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Megan Fox Lesbian Sex of the Day

Megan Fox Lesbian Sex

I guess this is falling off….in a good way because Megan Fox of 10 years ago would never be in a sex scene. I think she made a point of NEVER being naked in movies as part of keeping her hype…but here she is playing with tits…


The mom of 4 or 5 with David from 90210 who we thought was her captor who kept her in a cage when she confusingly traded in her career to breed….I guess she was a big 90210 fan….but at the time MEGAN FOX was so hyped or OVERHYPED depending on how hot you thought Megan Fox was and this bitch walked through Hollywood like she was the fucking shit…because I guess she felt like she was the shit with everyone praising her and telling her how great she was, cutting her fat pay checks only to fall off as fast as her placenta fell out of her for the first time….but when she was a the top…this kind of content would have NEVER happened…

I’ve always felt like se was a scam / scamming…with far too much positive reinforcement and too little actual merit in anything she did….I always felt she’d be better suited as some street level prostitute dressed like SUPERGIRL on Hollywood BLVD turning tricks to the right dads staying at the ROOSEVELT HOTEL, that was really where her “talents” would have really shined but instead we got JENNIFER’s BODY…or whatever movie it was that she was in….and now this weird dyke shit on some weird comeback tour…that is pretty funny unless you find Megan Fox hot at 40…and this is what you’ve been waiting for and not something hysterical….even though it is hysterical…luckily the world isn’t that black or white…and you can find something hot and hilarious or pathetic and embarrassing all at the same time…it’s actually how I’d describe all the sex I’ve ever had in my life…

Megan Fox Lesbian Sex
Megan Fox Lesbian Sex
Megan Fox Lesbian Sex
Megan Fox Lesbian Sex


Posted in:Megan Fox|SFW