I'll Make You Famous…




Selena Gomez New Tits for a Magazine of the Day

Selena Gomez Dazed Tits Cleavage

Selena Gomez is on the publicity tour now that she’s out of rehab and releasing more music because I guess she wants her bank accounts topped off.

I mean this girl is the definition of broken child star who had a mom that sold her off to BARNEY at the age of 3 or 4, despite being from Texas, they fucking got in the Caravan and moved to LA to live out the mom’s dreams…since no 3 or 4 year old is thinking Monetization….

Now that she’s near 30, got some tits, not dead from her LUPUS, not dead from her volatile relationship with Bieber that almost killed her, she’s thinking monetization and unfortunately for us, that means “music” because being an actress only pays when you’re in some super hero movie…when all Selena is is a Super Herp. If you know what I mean…viruses man…a person with Auto Immune issues’ worst nightmare.

THAT SAID, I did a GOOGLE NEWS search because I knew all the media outlets are milking this story / interview / photoshoot with their own tidbits they pulled from the story. I typically avoid all that because I’m only here for the tits and don’t care about whatever lie she’s spinning in her web of lies…..

The headlines are:

“Selena Gomez Thinks Instagram Is ‘Destroying’ Some of Her Generation” despite having been seen with Zuckerberg back when she miraculously become the most followed person on instagram….so sure she’s so fucking against it as it is her marketing hub she sells for a lot of fucking money to brand partners….because she doesn’t care that it is destroying her generation…she is fucking destroying the generation with her shitty fucking music and attidude….and stints in rehab….and promotion of anti-depressants, face injections and fake tits…

When asked if she’d delete her instagram if she could…she said YES…fascinating…because SHE FUCKING CAN DELETE IT dumb cunt…what’s stopping her…dumb cunt…

“What I do now is to only go on it when I feel like I need to, and then I’ll just log off, I won’t take time to explore or look at anything else.””

Dude…you don’t need a fucking instagram except for your money grubbing, you money grubber…keep your damn lies to yourself…

Another headline: ” Selena Gomez’s Old Music and Style Make Her Cringe ”

It makes all of us fucking cringe, it’s terrible fucking music. Why were you a part of producing such shit? Right, cuz you’re a soulless puppet with no fucking taste that has no fucking concept of what is good or bad, just what sells. You are a fluffy pop tart piece of shit chasing trends with zero fucking integrity, substance, or value…of course it makes you cringe…you dumb cunt…it’s fucking terrible but the real issue isn’t how bad the music is…it’s how bad you are….weren’t you supposed to kill yourself by now? What happened to that…all this quest to live with Kidney Transplants takes away from your appeal as someone with a terminal illness who will die soon…

She’s a fucking puppet. She fucking sucks. Check out her tits….this money grubbing liar must be deleted.

Selena Gomez Ass

Selena Gomez Tits Dazed


Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW