Sammi Hanratty’s bio on instagram is “The girl you hated on the show you love”….the show is Shameless, which I only support because they kicked off that Emmy Rossum Cunt…I watched season 1 because at the time I liked William H. but by the end of the season I was like “this is too over the top trying to be edgy that I hate it”…..coupled with “Fiona” as Emmy Rossum went by….I cut that shit off until this past season hoping the ratings would go up after cutting Rossum so that the show didn’t crawl back to bring her in. I wanted them to know that cutting EMMY was a good thing and that she wasn’t responsible for ANY views….so I got back in it.
That’s how committed I am to hating Emmy Rossum. I watch shows to spite her…but barely…and I don’t actually care….I can just stomach the show now that she’s gone.
ANWAYS….Sammi Hanratty was on the show, she’s weird looking, and she’s doing internet smut to get noticed, since she’s not on the show no mo.
She’s also a vegan…so that pussy smell nutty. Like the Professor.

Posted in:Sammi Hanratty|SFW