Sammi Hanratty is some 25 year old actress who got her start in 2006, when when she was 10 years old in some really low level roles, so you know she’s got parents who drive her to auditions and shit. You know the worst kind of parents who pretend they are doing it for the kids, but who are instead more interested in the fame and fortune and pat on the back that their genetics combined make magic….
She’s really done VERY little over the last 15 years of trying, some recurring roles, the most famous being 7 episodes of Shameless….6 episodes of Zack and Cody for the pervert Disney Watchers who should be arrested..which brings up an important point about QAnon….People or the Media are so aggressively against QAnon, which makes me suspicious of those people.
It’s like they are the same people who have something to hide, or are working for the people who have nothing to hide. I am not going to claim to be a QAnon expert, I’ve only known about the group for the last year or so, but conspiracies and misinformation aside, where’s the harm in a group of people coming together to try to debunk the system and expose people in power, the “elite” for being pedophiles or for doing illegal shit, whether they are crazy or not….it seems like a pretty noble cause from my perspective. I mean I’ve been saying Hollywood is full of garbage humans forever, but instead of people getting arrested, the sign autographs…it’s very weird….I just think it’s weird that the media don”t want to hear about exposing high up people for the illegal shit they do….if they got even one corrupt fuck exposed with their internet sleuthing, wouldn’t that be a good thing, free crowdsourced investigations, seems harless and like something great for the media to run with if they hit the right scandal…the fact the media is against it or consistently denounces it is far more concerning…in this freedom of speech era of there’s no such thing as freedom…
Well, that was a weird rant….I don’t know..but maybe Hanratty does…as she is her trying to elevate her profile with some low level nudity, but not enough nudity to really be as relevant as the stars of her era who are all getting deep dicked on their social media…you know because they are sex positive or some other nonsense spin….
Step it up HANRATTY…do it for the RATTY kingdom….of RATS…which is what I assume she calls her fan base.

Posted in:Sammi Hanratty