This is the intro trailer to The Hangover 3…it is a movie called We’re The Millers….where Jennifer Aniston plays a stripper….
More importantly, Jennifer Aniston is all over the place in her underwear because she plays a stripper, which is some Hollywood fantasy shit, up there with Wizards and Dragons, you know some CGI needed hustle and some strong storyline to really get lost in believing that she could ever be a stripper…
Not that I’m complaining, cuz despite her old lady face, she’s got a good old lady body for an old lady….cuz this old lady never lured a man into knocking her up and if she did she aborted that mission for career that relies on her body….
I mean her spray tanned leathery skin, all menopausal like an old catchers mitt is preobably not as awful as some of the stripper I get lap dances from, but usually the grannies are saved for the day shift.
The lies…are burning my eyes…but I don’t mind her in underwear…because why the fuck would I…I’m not gay or anything…..and behind these SPANX is a dried up vagina and as a non-gay…I’m into that….right?
Posted in:Jennifer Aniston