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Sarah Hyland Pussy Stretch of the Day

Sarah Hyland Vote

I am not a political person, if anything I am the anti-political person, that shit is boring and rigged and meaningless….and for the most part the government doesn’t give a fuck about you…these civil servants aren’t actual servants to the people…they are fucking the people from every angle…and the people are the servants to them….

I generally keep my mouth shut, you’re here for the tits not the opinion on elections, voter fraud, smear campaigns, or other insanity that I am seeing….BUT I will say that seeing Vanessa Hudgens SCREAMING….

I will say that seeing Jennifer Hudson Lawrence Dancing in the streets….

I will say seeing Colbert cry….and this Sarah Hyland spread eagle shit….is all some brain washing tactics as they are all fucking puppets controlled by the man, scared to lose their job, or be cancelled, totally unreliable or unrelateable to the average American…they’ve gamed the system and they are actors so their credibility is fucking zero…tap into your emotions, you are bad if you don’t follow their lead….or believe in what they don’t believe…sounds fascist to me…

So Sara Hyland, the alcoholic pervert exploited as a kid who is now rich from TV, but who is a mutant with a genetic condition who can’t even keep her Kidneys healthy because she’s so broken…bitch has had 2 transplants…is doing this propaganda shit…with her legs spread, even making her political opinion about being able to pose right for some deep dick porn…

So whether you’re a TRUMPER or a BIDEN / KAMALA HARRIS fan…a believer in their systemmic lies or suspicious of it…..you should be mad that celebs are trying to influence the narrative of the country with their celebrity……because now more than ever, the internet and social media has made everyone the same drone… easy to manipulate…who listen, buy and exchange whatever is being sold to them by influencers…Never forget the the Kardashian’s exist..and the Kardashians fucking thrive on how stupid people are….

So seeing people treat the election like the SUPERBOWL, where the dance in the streets when their side wins, is just some theatrics across the board…we know you don’t actually give a fuck…and if you do…we gotta discount you as a person worth listening to because it means you buy into the stories you read on an emotional level…THEY’VE GOT YOU…..Dancing in the streets in a pandemic is the dumbest, even embarrassing thing to do…always, yet people are doing it because they want to feel a part of something so bad…even if what they are a part of is a fucking lie from the top…

THE PASSION YOU SEE IS BECAUSE THEY HAVE YOU BY THE FUCKING BALLS man, they have you at an emotional level and things like these celebs just contribute to all of that…Politics, Politicians, the Government, The internet….all designed to KEEP the man down….TRUST NO ONE…TRUST NO STORIES…TAXATION IS THEFT…fighting for Politicians and Rich People and Lawyers to find new ways to FUCK you….because you are the bottom of of the barrel, a cog in the wheel to keep the system working for the people at the top….is crazy…and so is Sarah Hyland Spread Legged.


Posted in:Sarah Hyland