Taylor Momsen’s showing off her tits because she’s an edgy fucking rock star….and don’t you forget it…she’s not just some sold the the entertainment industry as a child who probably saw some shit that would destroy you at your core because there’s no soul in entertainment….but she also had a mainstream acting career before realizng that her true passion was being a girl rocker for whatever reason…you know cuz she’s dark and edgy or maybe it just made her more money…who cares…
She’s basically been invisible to anyone who doesn’t give a fuck about Taylor Momsen, or her shitty fucking “rock band” that’s some candy coated version of a rock band…you can’t be edgy when you’re a rich kid, it’s impossible…you can however kill yourself because of all your “SAD” rich kid issues…and I guess create your version of a hard and edgy experience where you can’t even properly pull out your fucking tits like an actual rockstar trying to be edgy would…it’s like SFW rockstar and it sucks..
But Taylor Momsen has some creepy fans from the live action GRINCH WHO STOLE XMAS that will fucking love this…those are the real freaks.
Posted in:Taylor Momsen