Dove Cameron is someone I’ve only known about for a year or two maybe 3…and not because she’s actually named Chloe Celese Hosterman, only to have been rebranded as Dove Olivia Cameron, which any CULT LEADER will tell you is a solid way to separate the person from the person you need to be in the cult to succeed, because the alter ego basically takes the fuck over for her and does things that CHLOE CELESTE never would….
The CULT she’s a part of is one that has Mickey Mouse ears, which is probably why she’s got 41 million followers…she’s been working for them since 2006 or 2007 or some shit…
She’s now 25, cast as the Power Puff girl so she’s back into the mix…and in being back in the mix, she’s doing some topless shoots to remind people she’s around, she’s all grown up, and she’s ready to fuck, but her version of fucking is getting back into the pictures…
She does look like she’s had some muppet work done, but when that is what everyone looks like, you have no choice to dive into it, so you can look like them and be more relatable to them, even if none of these muppet faces look human…they are their own species…that may get triggered by 5G and the COVID vaccine to eat your soul or brain on some Zombie level, but I there’s been no evidence of the COVID vaccine interracting with face injections to make these people bigger zombies than their anti-depressants…at least not yet…but I’m over here hoping that they do because all these half naked muppet face zombies trying to eat my brain…may be the hottest experience of my life…fingers crossed.

Posted in:Dove Cameron