I'll Make You Famous…




Vanessa Hudgens Gets Wet of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens is getting fucked by some pro athlete but that’s probably not why she’s doing the whole being a half naked, sexy, silly, slut of social media…that’s probably orders from above…because clearly she’s in the system and pushes the agendas they want her to push because I have seen her over the year, since deciding to take social seriously, also an order from the top, in efforts to get her career more bumping, push all things woke…from BLM, to BIDEN….it’s been consistent, boring, we’re only here cuz you used to take nude selfies when left to your own devices bitch..not here for your brainwashing and trickery of the weak young minds…

Well, along with showing off what must be fake tits and a thicker than I though body….she’s also pushing for young people who would likely NEVER die of COVID to get the shot that they are gamify, putting propaganda out against, while never saying it is not EXPERIMENTAL TREATMENT…but trust the news, companies that sell fake vaccines, and the government…SO YOU CAN HUG YOUR FAMILY again…fucking cucks…

I hate this shit, keep your medical info to yourself, unless you’re showing us where your hymen once was….or your asshole you fissured from raw anal with no lube…

This vaxx for freedom shit is some puppet master shit and we’re onto you…puppet…just unfotunately not the kind of puppet you’d get to fuck, because you made it out of deli meat and an old sock out of desperation from being a loser…LOSER.

“I can’t tell you how happy I was to be back at a concert. Life is happening again. Thank god. #vaxxxed”

Now more of her SMUT…


Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens