I am sure there are life Kate Hudson fans who fucking love seeing her jumping in a thong despite being a mom of two in her mid 40s, I mean she looks better than most 25 year olds, but that’s probably because despite being more vain and narcissistic, they’re narcissism allows them to get fat and sloppy because they think they are best, while hating everything about themselves, dissecting their insecurities to the most insane microscopic level, while still having the confidence to sell pics of their assholes…it’s a weird contradictory kind of thing…
I am sure if I stared long enough at this thong ass jumping in the water on some rich person vacation, I wouldn’t hate it, I mean I don’t hate it now, even though it goes against everything I know…
I would say that despite hating celebs, I am a fan of the celebrity child grown up in the celebrity world, you know second generation, but Kate Hudson became a celebrity of her own, so I have no choice but to hate her too…if she was a celeb kid just trying to make it, different fucking story….but she was in tons of movies, made tons of money and now is a billionaire from ecommerce fitness gear that she probably only launched to pressure her drunken ass out of bed to workout…you can’t sell fitness gear if you don’t look the part…or you couldn’t when she started…now obese yoga instructors are doing ted talks on racism, sexism and inclusivity in yoga….it’s a weird world….
I would also say that this is the ass that made Owen Wilson attempt to kill himself, so it probably tasted alright back then, but then again, I feel like the Owen Wilson suicide attempt when breaking up with Kate Hudson is a story I heard once, that I’ve committed to, but that very likely didn’t even happen…but it happened in my mind so that’s enough…
Now, from a judgemental cynical pervert’s perspective, there’s this whole movement called ASSHOLE BEHIND THONG, not sure if you’ve heard it, but when in a thong, not seeing your asshole, means not participating or turning your back on the ASSHOLE BEHIND THONG….making the THONG pretty obsolete because a THONG without an ASSHOLE exposed is no thong for me…

Posted in:Kate Hudson