Kate Hudson is not just an industry bred, entitled cunt, who wasn’t that impressive as an actress in any of the movies she’s been in. I can’t remember watching her in anything and thinking “remarkable” or even that I’d want to fuck the bitch, other than for saying that I fucked Goldie Hawn’s daughter, which is probably the common reason people bothered with her when she was sucking dick while already destined to greatness, she just liked sucking the dick.
That’s not to say she’s ugly, or disgusting just a giant fucking whatever to me, but no one cares about me, and that doesn’t take away the fact that she’s a billionaire with her consumer product, direct to consumer, fitness line that is for the common basic white woman who would be into Kate Hudson enough to be influenced by her.
Well, not only does she inspire people like Owen Wilson to kill themselves, or try to kill themselves with her well trained rich and probably crazy vagina, but she’s also a bit of a fucking drunk, who likely always drinks, because what else do you do when you’re a rich white girl, I mean raise the kids, do more meaningful shit with your time, who cares, she’s posing with her fat fake tits.
I am a drunk, but still judge other drunks because it’s disgusting to me, women shouldn’t drink unless it is to socially lubricate them to black out so you can fuck them, but drinking is normalized, masturbating in public on drunk girls isn’t, so what the fuck do I know. NOTHING, I know nothing.
Posted in:Kate Hudson|Kate Hudson