I don’t subscribe to anything Kate Hudson. I used to pretend that it had to do with her leading Owen Wilson to his attempted suicide because they were dating at the time of his dark days of ending it all…which would have clearly been a real loss for society as a whole because he offers us so much more than this bitch does…
Disclaimer, I may have made up that Kate Hudson is the reason for Owen’s suicide, but I’ve been running with it for 15 years so WHY STOP NOW…
I do remember thinking Kate Hudson was hot when she was featured in an Architectural Digest issue in 1997 when she was about 18 or 19 years old. When I found out she had a house in COTTAGE COUNTRY CANADA where Cindy Crawford and a bunch of other idiots have their lake houses, and thought for about a minute that I should build a submarine to dock outside their house and wait patiently for her to get drunk and skinny dip, I mean what the fuck else would a pervert Hollywood monster do when in the wildnerness in Canada…
Needless to say, I didn’t make my creeper sub….but in the 24 years since those days…I’ve learned to hate her, find her overrated nepotism and even think she’s grown up to be far uglier than I would have expected…maybe it’s the alcohol, or the demons of being raised in Hollywood…or maybe women just get older and look more and more like shit…I don’t know, I’m not a scientist….
In this GOLD DRESS where she’s being paid to promote Michael Kors because these people don’t do shit for free, even when they are the face of billion dollar fitness brands that have likely made her a billionaire too….even though I think WINE GUZZLER and COCK GUZZLER far more than I think FITNESS INFLUENCER when it comes to Hudson…but I also know nothing about her, just superficial shit, like her all glammed up and still looking bloated and old…but I guess that’s what happens..
Here are some of her in fitness!

Posted in:Kate Hudson