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Archive for the Kate Hudson Category




Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson – Two Generations of Old Ladies in Bikinis of the Day

Keep it in your fucking pants Grandma…

And I’m talkign to Kate Hudson – not Goldie Hawn – the actual Grandma….

Goldie can do whatever the fuck she wants with her old lady ass, it’s at the point of iconic and so old, we don’t even bother noticing…it’s not a point and laugh at Goldie…

It’s a point and laugh at the geriatric pregnancy on her mooch bitch daughter – who for those of you who don’t know – only exists cuz of who her mom is and not actual talent – who was a vapid cunt who ran around fucking everyone who would fill her cunt when she was a naughty teen – who got knocked up at Farrah Abraham age or pretty much Farrah Abraham age with some old dude in a shit band that may have been good at the time – but that was in the 90s, a long time ago and who the fuck remembers that….but WORST of tall…

She was like an Asia Argento…rich and entitled piece of shit who had no issue breaking a man…in her case Owen Wilson…leading him to attempted suicide……you know some fucking evil shit goes on with you when you can make a rich hippie surfer dude want to die….that’s just the effect this pussy has…and looking at these pics…I partially get it…


Posted in:Goldie Hawn|Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson Mangled Face Promoting her Athletic Line of the Day

You may know Kate Hudson as the vagina that has been around the block a few times, but was still able to push our friend Owen Wilson to suicide….

I also know Kate Hudson as the vagina that has been around the block a few times, including having a couple of babies along the way, because she’s a daughter of some hollywood people, and America likes franchises, brands and chain restaurants….so…it only makes sense she’d get a career in stupid ROM/COMs that require little to know effort, like her mom before her…

She’s also a business person, in that she gave money or her name to a yoga company, from the same pile of money she used to fund her BOTOX that made her mangled weird face…

So I guess she’s already and heiress to money, she’s gone and made money, and is going to make even more money with a brand…and it’s almost like she’s clever, smart and more than just an empty vessel…I mean empty except for all the sperm she’s filled up with….

YA KNOW…I KNOW…Kate Hudson…at an event.


This event is for a Demi Lovato collab, because that’s how these people work…together, leverage, exploit the masses…where they felt Demi and her Body Positive was better whoring than whatever that bloated weird face on Kate Hudson is…and I agree…

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson’s Rumored Look-A-Like Nude Pics of the Day

You know the drill. If these pics of some random stranger are of Kate Hudson – like they are rumored to be – but that we don’t believe…

Her legal team will reach us and let us know…

If they are of her, they are definitely tame as fuck, almost hot, romantic, erotic…posed like she knows not to get too fucking graphic in a world where anything you upload to the internet…even when you think it is private…is never private….which is logical..

So these may be the tits that made Owen Wilson want to kill himself, but they could also be pretty much anyone else….with small tits and a round ass..

Looking good though…

Posted in:Kate Hudson




Kate Hudson Walking Down Stairs in a Bikini Top of the Day

Old timer Kate Hudson is out celebrating my birthday in a bikini top, not showing off what I assumed was fake tits a while ago, because I guess that was a false alarm and something to talk about, because when it comes to Kate Hudson, spoiled hollywood slut who fucked everyone trash from her Romantic comedy roles that don’t require any acting skill to be in…..you need angles…otherwise I just keep going back to how Owen Wilson tried to kill himself because of her…it’s really all that I know that she’s accomplished on her own, without being coddled or give the opportunity from her mom…not that that matters, take what you can get, build that family empire…it makes sense and I am all for it…but I prefer my spoiled celebrity kids to be more naked…and broken…than successes of their own…really…

It’s my Birthday…I shouldn’t be wasting my time posting this bullshit…BUT I AM…yay…

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson’s Bikini of the Day

Kate Hudson is in Hawaii, I assume terrorizing Owen Wilson who lives in Hawaii, because his trying to kill himself when they were dating, is probably the most extreme a man has gone for their love, when she probably only ends up with people passing through who are more important, rich and relevant than her…or the occasional right place right time dude who just happens to be around when she’s in the mood to fuck…which we can assume is often…and where dude thinks “this could be a lottery win”…as he bows down to his lord and Saviour – Kevin Federline…

Or maybe she’s just on bikini vacation to remind you all that she’s still the rich brat who got herself a career of her own like a HADID….thanks to her family connections and her hard work…that allows her to hang out in a bikini as often as she wants because she can….but the fitness entrepreneur pushing 40…is looking 40…so I can’t see this being anything she’d be bragging about, but more her not giving a fuck, because she’s made it and who cares what people think….as her ass flattens and sinks into retirement age…she knows she had a good run.


Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson Photoshoot of the Day

Kate Hudson – the vagina that attempted murder Owen Wilson with her slutty, spoiled and entitled brats raised in hollywood vagina behavior…is in a Magazine posing slutty enough for me….because she’s photoshopped…

I watch her Facebook lives where she pretends to be a wholesome fitness chick who owns some fitness brand because she does…that’s the beauty of being rich and famous, make money from all kinds of places, all thanks to making money from your allowance, before your parents make their friends hire her in their moves that require zero to no acting talent…but rather just being the body needed to drive the shitty storyline home…

She ignores my questions on Facebook live….because she’s an asshole – she’s also looking real haggard, she’s looking real old, she’s got the botox and fake tits but it’s not working on her live streams…but shit’s alright in Harper’s Bazaar….young mom bounced back when she was young – but it looks like shit’s caught up to her…as she nears menopause….but not when she’s professionally shot, lit and made up….she can still push this..

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson Braless TIts Got Nipple of the Day

Kate Hudson, known for her ass and being as slutty Hollywood rich kid, in an era before social media since she’s old as fuck, so instead of landing a modeling career, she got a romantic comedy acting career, and has systematically had sex with everyone in Hollywood as rich kids do….it fills their void that drugs doesn’t fill…and in the process she had premature pregnancy, she lead homie Owen Wilson to attempt suicide and now she’s got tits….miraculous tits…that despite being old are perky thanks to comsmetic surgery her face seems to be all about…right…

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson Workout Erotica of the Day

Kate Hudson is still hot in her own right despite being old and used up…so long as you can’t see her face filled now asian looking face – because they went too fucking aggressive on her…so she now looks asian…

But her mom booty is into fitness, and looking fit, the kind of booty that in its younger years almost made Owen Wilson kill himself, making it seem to be a pretty talented booty, however, when I think about it, the only booty that’s made me want to kill myself is my wife’s she’s disgusting…so it can go either way….either it’s too good, or too bad for him, and from this perspective, it’s good enough….especially at 40…makes me want to hit the gym midday for some mom ass while the kids are in school pussy hanging out of their yoga pants erotica….but not really…I’ll just watch the video…

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson’s Double Chin and Swollen Botox Face of the DAy


Kate Hudson just did a live instagram feed that I was watching…and trying to behave on…because I am a nice guy and don’t feel like getting my instagram deleted…even though it’s been deleted 4 times because no one understands my jokes…but luckily there were a lot of people asking her to get naked and show her tits – because we are all only human…basic humans…who like tits…

She was trying to sell off workout gear, which I guess is her business now, not that she really needs a business – she’s a rich kid with a trust fund, but also and actress who made too much money over the years, who I like to troll – only because I have this storyline I created about her fucking everyone in Hollywood that makes me laugh…including but not limited to OWEN WILSON who was rumored to have tried to kill himself because of her…I guess she’s hot, good in bed and maintaining her celebrated ass through fitness

But what I don’t understand is how she turned asian..oh right because she’s a vapid superficial twat who fears aging gracefully, because why would she do that – when she can look like a clown…

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson in Workout Gear Dancing on TV of the Day

I guess this is 40 year old Kate Hudson – all menopausal after winning at life thanks to her mom / stepfather / father. Allowing her to become her own person – that was really a shadow of her mother – the Romantic Comedy star….but I’ll always see some spoiled rich cunt who was fed with a golden spoon, who’s career was crafted out for her without much effort, and who really isn’t that hot or talented…and like most rich kids she’s filled the self indulgent void of her existence with random cock along the way…some of whom have even been driven to suicide attempts because of her…and she’s hardly worth it. Not now, Not at her prime, but I’ll still see her and her TV acting like an idiot with a fat idiot everyone things is brilliant..for America is retarded and hear a British accent and think….that little loud dancing and singing man who screams at the TV cameras filming him….like a rabid jacked up on coke asshole at the bar….but more accessible and hire paid…

Because of her leggings.

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW