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Archive for the Kate Hudson Category




Kate Hudson Leaving Brad Cooper’s House of the Day

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I would say that these pics of Kate Hudson leaving Brad Cooper’s house in her post-sex clothes is a red flag and that she’s probably already pregnant…

But then I remember that Kate Hudson is old…menopausal…possibly infertile due to the abortions or STDs over the years…because se owns one of the most well travelled vaginas in Hollywood…Hollywood kids and their vaginas…always so irresponsible..

I guess Brad Cooper can fuck whoever he wants as he owns the russian hooker Irina and her pregnancy, but Russian women, even the hookers are intense…so it’s possible he’s not allowed to fuck girls like Kate Hudson, and really why would you…when you’ve got Irina…even while pregnant…her dripping, hormonal vagina is a better option…

Who knows…maybe they are just friends…because celebrity womanizers are always just friends with celebrity women…

Either way…scandal.

Either way…old or not…good booty…

Either way….who cares this is Kate Hudson…

Maybe she’s just borrowing some milk from Irina…because her milk’s all dried up…

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson and Chelsea Handler on New Years of the Day

A video posted by Kate Hudson (@katehudson) on

I don’t know if that is a video of Goldie Hawn and her new face in a bathing suit on New Years Eve, or if that’s Chelsea Handler….or is it Kate Hudson…they all look the fucking same thanks to being mangled by the same surgeon – as these things happen when you’re an overpaid spoiled cunt from Hollywood…

I think Chelsea Handler is the one in the ski equipment, I am fascinated as to why anyone would invite her into their house, I guess everyone needs a little laugh and she’s the dancing monkey they’ve adopted or some shit….

But more importantly, if this is Kate Hudson, why does she look like that, and would she have the ability to drive a man to Suicide now…like she did in the past…I don’t think she does…because that”s what becoming washed up means…you can’t manipulate me, or men, or anyone with that only famous cuz of your parents – and you had a really good run of it pussy…NOT NOW ANYWAY…



Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson Ass Flash of the Day

I saw these Kate Hudson ass pics yesterday and slept on them to come up with something brilliant to write about it – because the wind magically blowing up a dress is erotic…less so when it’s actually a fan she set up with her paid paparazzi to make you all care about her – because of her ass…

But as it turns out, I am uninspired and I am not a fan of Kate Hudson, especially not now that she’s 40, but she had a good ass, a suicide inspiring ass if you’re Owen Wilson…..because he tried to kill himself while he was dating her, because he’s a tormented artist with a great life…or maybe she’s just a fucking devil woman with that ass…because if you know entitled rich kids, especially the hollywood type, who have gone onto have a career, raised by narcissism, to groom her own narcissism, in a world of vapid, vain, disgusting, sex everywhere, that she’s had….but far more glamourous than a porn chick…they have multi million dollar houses in all kinds of lovely places…while actual sex workers can’t even afford their crack dens…so if you’re gonna fill your pussy all the time, do it when you have hollywood parents, it works out better in the end…

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson and Goldie Hawn’s Weird Tit Grab Pic of the Day


Kate Hudson had her mom and their family friends grab at her tits – because that’s what you do when you get fake tits – you pull them off and show them off for everyone to see because you invested in them tits – might as well get some use out of them….or make fun of them….because they are so silly – because as we know Kate Hudson’s track record of beingthe daughter of a famous person, is that she’s fucked a lot of people throughout her career as a celebrity who fame was handed to because she was born into it – and there’s good money in it – so why not do it…

I am not a fan of Kate Hudson, especially not now that she’s 40, but she had a good ass, a suicide inspiring ass if you’re Owen Wilson trying to deal with her detached rich kid getting filled from every angle ways….

But I did think she was hot before she was famous – when she was probably 18 and just in some tabloids with her mom pre- acting because that’s the kind of pervert I am….but here she is doing some family weirdness…


Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson Solid Cleavage of the Day

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Kate Hudson rockin’ some cleavage at some event and magic didn’t happen…because she’s old, washed up, but apparently still getting work because she’s connected, rich, and apparently she’s getting work done because she’s got tits…and never had tits..

I guess when you’re a sex worker, or more a sex volunteer who has done the rounds in Hollywood filling that void left from having egotistical parents, being raised in the limelight, with access….

Her best work was having a hot ass despite being a young mom…was when she fucked Owen Wilson so good he tried to kill himself…I mean that and every bullshit movies she’s been in – where she plays the same person…but with more tit…




Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson in a Bikini in Greece of the Day

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I am sure I’ve said this story before, but I don’t give a fuck, no one reads this shit ever….

In the late 90s, probably before I was onto my internet dating, I in the middle of Northern Ontario checking out the small town strip clubs and I came across a copy of architectural digest or some other magazine because she had a house in Norther Ontario – that featured Goldie Hawn and her Daughter, who at the time was unknown to the world, but was probably well known in clubs in Hollywood where she’s been fucking everyone since she was 12….and I thought…I like that better than celebs…I like the kid of celebs who just live the brat life, the Hollywood life and don’t actually have to work…

Then she did what most rich kids do and followed her mom’s lead, but there was that window where she was just a rich kid, partying, being hot…and I guess it’s been downhill ever since…from babies, to getting old…sure I’d still be interested in smelling her pussy to see if that many cocks makes her smell like the crackwhores I fuck who have had an equal or lesser amount of cocks…you know some people can guess how many gum balls are in a fucking jar, I can guess how many cocks have been in a cunt by scent….the more they fuck, the more i feel like a cadaver dog…

NOT THAT IT MATTERS…but her in a bikini does…it looks ok for a mom of 12…

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Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson in a Bikini of the Day


Kate Hudson is still on her divorcee mom on vacation from the kids she probably doesn’t even raise – because she can pay people for that – not to mention her main kid is probably in his 30s by now – I feel like she shat him out a long time ago – when she was young enough to bounce back where it counts – HER ASS….

I assume her family genetics just have alot of elasticity to their skin, because based on the amount of cock she’s had – which is pretty much everyone in Hollywood, you’d think she’d need to be wearing boardshorts to cover up the saggy pussy wounds..

She’s dancing around in a bikini and looking good, not good enough to kill yourself over but good for a 40 year old…if that’s a thing that actually exists…because 40 year olds are kind of all just 40 year olds…


Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson and Friends Bikini Party in Ibiza of the Day

Kate Hudson is in Ibiza like she was Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and all the other 40 year old once famous people who I guess want to connect with the ravers and club kids and cheesy party people from all over the world – or at least get access to their drugs in a beautiful setting – as long as you’re not at the resort all the old fat British and German retirees go..

Her and her friends flew private, stayed at a great villa, and acted like a bunch of 40 year old mom’s out on a girl’s vacation because their kids are with dad….because that’s pretty much what they are….just richer than the average…and in Kate Hudson’s case…this is the only way she’ll travel or knows how to travel – her mom was a bigger celebrity than her, with more money than her, who raised her like this…and who I guess also raised her to understand the importance of a good ass…and what it can do to a man – like Owen Wilson – who I bring up in every Kate HUdson post – because she almost made him Kill Himself…making me think she’s some kind of fuck…

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson – Bare Ass of the Day

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Kate Hudson posted of her ass… magic didn’t happen…life didn’t change for anyone involved…

That’s all i have to say about a pussy that’s been everywhere – and that’s even made people Owen Wilson try to kill himself.

Fascinating. Needs more anus.


Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson’s Used Old Lady Mom Ass in a Bikini for Memorial Day of the Day

Kate Hudson is some whore who has a pretty impressive ass considering it has been violated since she was young by everyone in Hollywood – thanks to her being the cute daughter of Goldie Hawn, before she was able to leverage that family connection to star in her own movies and make her own stupid money…leading to more and more people wanting to fuck her…including, but not limited to Owen Wilson who tried to kill himself over this ass when he was in some tormented rock bottom…something I’d never do if I was Owen Wilson…not that I am Owen Wilson, but that would be a funny twist in this site’s existence if I was…and this was my hobby where I got to blast celebrity sluts that I hate for wronging me or some shit…but unfortunately…I’m just a deadbeat who hates on these girls because why the fuck not…they’re not all that great…and we can’t fuck them…and therefore should hate them…it’s our right…


Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW