I'll Make You Famous…




Kate Hudson Ass Flash of the Day

I saw these Kate Hudson ass pics yesterday and slept on them to come up with something brilliant to write about it – because the wind magically blowing up a dress is erotic…less so when it’s actually a fan she set up with her paid paparazzi to make you all care about her – because of her ass…

But as it turns out, I am uninspired and I am not a fan of Kate Hudson, especially not now that she’s 40, but she had a good ass, a suicide inspiring ass if you’re Owen Wilson…..because he tried to kill himself while he was dating her, because he’s a tormented artist with a great life…or maybe she’s just a fucking devil woman with that ass…because if you know entitled rich kids, especially the hollywood type, who have gone onto have a career, raised by narcissism, to groom her own narcissism, in a world of vapid, vain, disgusting, sex everywhere, that she’s had….but far more glamourous than a porn chick…they have multi million dollar houses in all kinds of lovely places…while actual sex workers can’t even afford their crack dens…so if you’re gonna fill your pussy all the time, do it when you have hollywood parents, it works out better in the end…

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW