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Archive for the Kate Hudson Category




Kate HUdson Too Old to be in Shape Magazine of the Day


The most impressive thing about Kate Hudson is that her well versed pussy, a pussy that had been working the Hollywood scene since she was probably 14 or 15, thanks to her parents being Vapid celebrities who don’t really care so much about traditional parenting, but know their kids have it made and can really do nothing if they want, party if they want, or become hit comedic actresses through family friends…if they want….

We all know what Kate Hudson chose, getting knocked up young by an old man she met at a rock show…and carrying that behavior dating everyone all while financing her lifestyle with shitty fucking movies that paid well….I always saw her as a young mom who probably didn’t raise her own kid…a beat up vagina at a young age….far too stretched out for my micropenis…so I never really bothered paying attention…

But now she’s in Shape Magazine at 40, a magazine for people in their 40s, perfect for a star who only people in their 40s would care to read up on…

She can pull this well lit, well shot even if the pics are lame…now that she’s got fake tits…and a toned mom body….but she’s still photoshopped so hard that you can’t see her broken soul….

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson Forgets She’s 40 of the Day

KH (1)

Kate Hudson is into showing off some tits…because I guess she never had tits until recently…thanks to modern science…and I guess it was her pussy that drove men to suicide..but we’d have to Ask Owen Wilson about that…he may have been more upset by her ass…

She’s at some club opening…and she decided to be a metaphor with her top opening…she’s high concept like that…


Vanessa Hudgens was there also…

VH (1)


Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson has Nipples of the Day

Kate Hudson, like most girls who hasn’t had breast cancer, has nipples…and like most girls with small fake tits, or really just small tits, doesn’t need a bra, especially when in a sweater because it’s a good strategy to distract from her old as fuck face…

Draw attention to yourself, famous daughter of a famous mom, dressing all inappropriate, because when you’re a narcissist, with narcissist parents, you can never have enough attention…something she’s proven in the past with all the famous cock that’s rolled through her, meaning this post would be more fun if it was her banged out mom pussy – but that’s always the case..

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson in her Tight Dress of the Day

Kate Hudson - Outside a restaurant in Hollywood 23.02.2016_17

Kate Hudson may be old, but she’ll always be the rich kid who made it in Hollywood due to her professionalism and raw talent, despite always playing the same person in movies, that person pretty much being herself, because that’s just the way acting works…it doesn’t require skill, it requires the illusion of skill because the people participating have the confidence to do things other people would feel like assholes doing…

She’ll also always be the vagina that almost killed a motherfucker, not from Hollywood based infections, but from suicide….right Owen Wilson.

She’s got a tight body for a 40 year old…and that may be exciting to you…because you are into things that were interesting in the year 2000, when everything seemed much happier, funnier, amazing….

I like her botox shine face…


Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson Old Lady Nipples of the Day


I Will never understand the appeal with Goldie Hawn’s daughter, especially since she’s become famous, because I remember reading an Architectural Digest in the 90s, because I was sophisticated back then and she was 18 and not famous yet, you know just in the early stages of riding her mom’s coattails to have a career and perpetuate the life her mom sucked so many dicks for….and I thought she was hot…I admit an 18 year old Kate Hudson in an era where we didn’t know better was hot…

But then she got pregnant and banged out everyone in LA, leading to some people like Owen Wilson attempting suicide…all while maintaining the same role in different movies…boring as fuck…even when her braless nipples on her flat mom chest are hard…but that’s probably because she’s old news..

But like Grandma always said…they are still hard nipples.

Posted in:Kate Hudson




Kate Hudson’s Showing Off Her Fuck Moves of the Day


Here is an old as fuck Kate Hudson showing off her moves an flexibility that she spends a lot of time working on – and that she’s a pro with – because she’s got nothing better to do with herself..as days are long when you don’t have an actual job…

These are the moves that make me ask “how good does that bitch have to be in bed to make a dude who can fuck anything want to kill himself when she leaves, especially after knowing how she’s fucked everyone, or how she has a kid, and is just some broken rich kid you should just bang out and move on with your life….”

They also remind me of all the dudes she’s had inside her well rounded ass…

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson Naked Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Kate Hudson in a Bathtub 1

Kate Hudson posted this picture of her ass, an ass that may be old, in a picture that may be old, but that is also a mom ass, a celebrated ass, an ass that people compare to her mom’s ass, an ass that garners attention and has since she was 16 and first going out to parties, an ass that has been fucked a lot by a lot of industry men…an ass that is clearly free spirited and ready to be watched…because she’s still a rich kid ass, spoiled brat ass, with daddy issues ass that has an ego….and likes being seen…or exposed…an ass that is a bit of a tyrant psychopath…that almost made Owen Wilson kill himself…an ass that probably has herpes, but that’s ok…it’s Kate Hudson’s ass and as uneventful as she is…this ass is what defines her and who she is…and I’m liking it…even though I normally fear anything older than 30…

She’s done good with this social media thing…let us see those true colors and/or ass..

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson Shows You How to Make Owen Wilson Try Kill Himself of the Day


Kate Hudson is in the latest issue of Harper’s Bazaar….I guess she’s trying to promote a movie…because this is how press works…it’s all paid for by the movie companies to get buzz about the movies…because the more people care about the star, the more likely they will leave their house and buy an overpriced ticket to a shitty movie that will be like so many movies before it…only to be a sitting duck for an ISIS attack…who would probably know better than to shoot up a movie theater…since every time I’ve been to a movie, it’s the only way I can escape my wife, it’s been a fucking ghost town…and not the 100,000,000 tickets sold per week it once was…thanks to the interenet…

But I don’t see this as her promoting a movie, I see it more as some of the tricks she uses when fucking all the men she’s fucked, in efforts to win them over, or to get filled with their cum to have their out of wedlock kids, to give purpose in her empty hollywood lives…or in Owen Wilson’s case…to lead him to suicide attempts…I remember that day like it was yesterday…and the entire time I was like “how good does that bitch have to be in bed to make a dude who can fuck anything want to kill himself when she leaves, especially after knowing how she’s fucked everyone, or how she has a kid, and is just some broken rich kid you should just bang out and move on with….”…but I guess now, with these poses, that look like they belong in Shape Magazine, are the answer…”bitch can suck her fucking knee”…erotic.

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson Booty Pop in a Bikini of the Day


Kate Hudson, celebrity daughter turned celebrity, who has been the leading lady in a bunch of movies over the course of her career, that was so challenging to get, seeing as her parents were pretty fucking connected, more interestingly has had far more roles as the leading lady in sex with rich LA dudes…seriously, everyone has fucked this ass…

She’s in her late 30s now, a mom of at least one kid, but her little booty she’s always had, is still looking a good amount of round, so why not post it on instagram for her groupies and fans…because her ass is what all of us want to see of her…we’re not interested in her barely there tits…her old lady face….or her used up mom vagina…

I guess what it comes down to is that I like seeing girls posting booty pics..even when they are old, washed up, ladies..I am so deep as a thinker…a modern day philosopher..

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Kate Hudson’s in Allure of the Day


Kate Hudson is in lingerie for Allure, like she’s not 40 years old, or a girl who has been banged out by every dude in Hollywood, even though she’s been banged out by every dude in Hollywood, some of whom she even drove to Suicide Attempts, because she’s just that kind of rich, spoiled, brat…who probably has a dark, raised by nannies, even Menendez Brother sense of Hollywood kid attitude…that involves filling her pussy with everything she can to feel validated, or powerful as she throws these dudes away when she’s done with them…without them realizing that her mom Goldie Hawn, is where the fantasy is at…even in her 70s…she’s got that whole “I did this on my own, I didn’t need my mom or family for this, I was just genuinely hot”…where Kate Hudson has the whole “I act because my mom wanted to give me something to keep myself busy and to make some money because it requires little to no talent and that’s something I can fuck with, when I am not fucking with every dude in hollywood…”


She’s in lingerie in Allure..

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW