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On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

I decided to scale back my rants on the vaccine because the numbers don’t make sense, the logic doesn’t make sense, and there’s clearly a bigger thing going on here that I don’t want to end up in the back of a black van for being against their regime….I’ll just say the vaccine doesn’t make sense since the numbers don’t make sense and the fact that it hasn’t been fully tested for safety and is only supposed to be administered under emergency orders, when there’s no real emergency…makes no sense…therefore the vaccine passports they are pushing don’t make sense since everyone vaccinated shouldn’t fear getting a virus they are vaccinated for as that is the point of vaccines…but call me a conspiracy theorist…..even though I don’t care who gets vaccinated, I just don’t like seeing your personal freedoms taken over dumb shit….

That said, vaccine passports are dumb, crazy and going to be the norm in Canada…so the unvaccinated will be bullied and blamed for any future COVID deaths…making them second rate citizens who the masses, who hate bullying, will want to lynch….

When really we should all be coming together with a plan for the ON/Off passport, you know like a virtual drivers license, that you can scan a QR code stitched to every girl’s shirt, to see what she looked like nude that day….

I figure, if everyone’s naked all the time, why not be the walking billboard for that nakedness we’re not seeing cuz you’re on the street and have to pretend to be decent…

Here are some On/Off pics that you can use as a case study or as a proof of concept of the idea…and any coders or developers who want in on this billion dollar idea…hit me up..

Posted in:OnOff