The most interesting thing about the Britney Spears conservatorship conversation with the Judge that went viral last week or two weeks ago, was that she said a very important thing about MILEY CYRUS…which I interpreted as Miley could walk out on stage totally naked, with a butt plug tail in, masturbating and pissing all over herself, as girls of the internet do to prove they came, smoking a blunt, while on prescription pills and no one would give a fuck….while Britney did shit that was barely scratching the surface of crazy, at least not publicly, other than shaving her head….which could be seen as intense, or a little crazy…life if you had a fight with your girlfriend over some other girl you’re fucking and in her meltdown she shaves her head…you’d be pretty uncomfortable…but hardly something worth being imprisoned for…
It’s not really that Miley can get away with murder, it’s that when she hopped into the mainstream, they were already directing it in this direction of degenerate…
It’s been hot, but has it been good for society, who fucking cares…Miley is hot, on stage, with her tits out…that’s what matters…INSTANT gratification…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus