Rita Ora’s in a hot one piece outfit, I guess it’s called a leotard…she’s a performer, a woman of the stage, a private dancer because no one actually knows who she is or goes to her concerts, which really isn’t her fault, Jay-z’s label that made her a lot of money basically held her hostage so that she didn’t bite into Rihanna’s profits…whether that was a Rihanna tantrum or strategic, who knows, those people are demented and evil, which is why they are billionaires..
I saw that Rihanna sold out of her new perfume, because having a billion dollar lingerie brand wasn’t enough for the already rich as shit Rihanna….because the money is available, the people of social media are brain washed and have credit cards…so brain washed that they bought into a perfume they never smelled…to which Rihanna is probably laughing…YOU HAVEN’T EVEN SMELLED IT YET you fools….not to mention perfume’s probably made with some weird fucking ingredients…
I just googled it:
Fragrances are linked to a staggering number of health risks. Across multiple research studies, chemicals used to make fragrances are classified as allergens, hormone disruptors, asthma triggers, neurotoxins & carcinogens. … Fragrance chemicals, like other toxic chemicals, can pass from the skin and into the blood.
I just assumed it was made with horse piss….but yeah, people lining up to buy Rihanna’s perfume because they’ve been so well trained…SICK FUCKS…
Anyway, Rita Ora is not Rihanna, she’s not a found in Barbados `14 year old imported to America as part of their strategy, a story that’s never made sense to me….
BUT I would like to smell Rita Ora’s scent, mainly her vaginal scent, maybe pee in a bottle and sell that shit, I’ll buy it all motherfuckers…I just probably can’t afford it…
I have a thing for her tits, unfortunately her belly’s catching up to the tits, these things happen….
I also have a thing for one pieces, I’ve pulled at least one leotard aside for lunch, or a mid afternoon snack….because I couldn’t handle how ONE fabric or garment touched all the key talking points…TITS, ASSHOLE and PUSSY….magical…
Oh and a nip slip…
Posted in:Rita Ora