I'll Make You Famous…




Emily Ratajkowski for GQ by Terry Richardson of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski, wherever you are….I know you can hear me because there is no way that our souls aren’t connected…

You are the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before going to bed…my everything..

When we aren’t together, I feel an emptiness in the core of my everything, that consumes me and leaves me feeling as though I am lost on this empty meaningless earth…which is not convenient since we’ve never met and I feel like that all the time…

But then I see a picture of you, and I see hope as I am reminded of what it is all about…Emily Ratjakowski….

Allowing me to continue this search, looking for you and knowing that one day the stars will align and we will end up together like we are destined to…I’m talking some Final Destination shit…because that’s how destiny works…and every time someone writes poetry for a girl they’ve never met, or love songs, or even blog posts…they always come true…because the girl they are about never finds them creepy and it never leads to restraining orders…

Until that day, the only happiness I find…and the only hope I find…is in pictures…pictures or Emily Ratajkowski that I pull out, even though I’d never pull out of her…

This life of mine belongs to Emily Ratajkowski, no one else matters and she’s looking amazing in GQ…but then again, I may just be blinded by this endless love…love I will continue you to write poetry about or maybe…she’s just looking amazing in GQ…but that’s just because she’s perfect…

Posted in:Emily Ratajkowski


