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Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full back panties were a victim of abuse. They were bullied by the big and evil corporations and told they were sub-panty, not as good as the other panties, and were thrown aside….not allowed to go to bars and restaurants, reserved for at home when on period to capture the blood…they were the bodily fluid grease trap panty…when the other panties, let’s call them the vaccinated panties, that complied with the powers that be…and were celebrated amongst the masses without even thinking for a second that they had a perfectly good granny panty at home…no way, those are for grannies and these girls are upwardly mobile, independent thinkers, raised on Sex and the City to not want that whole traditional family with meaning, but instead to fuck everyone they can like it’s an accomplishment…STRENGTH in numbers even if it is meaningless and hardly a challenge for girls to get fucked…ANY GIRL CAN GET FUCKED AT ANY TIME….but instead be a slave to career, live in your shit apartment…work…drink…but don’t wear full back panties…it’s a thong era…you fucking consumer puppet being brainwashed….and marketed to…

All this to say….full back panties are still panties…

Posted in:Fullback Panty