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Weed Wednesday of the Day

Weed, like IVERMECTIN is an un-patentable, gift from the Gods, with medicinal value that Big Pharma fucking hates because it gets in the way of them pushing their cures for profit, since they don’t actually have cures really, just periods of remission, but they sure as fuck have pills for everything, different versions of pills for everything, and they sure as fuck want that shoved down all your fucking throats…

So weed is the enemy of Big Pharma, it bites into profits as people use it instead of anti-depressants, pain meds, opiates, sleeping aids, etc…and that is why it was banned…

It had nothing to do with race, to get black people in prison, to enslave them…it was strictly impossible to manage, control, and too easy to grow…DON’T LET THAT INFO OUT..

Now the governments are legalizing weed, in hopes of it making people too lazy to contest, but unfortunately, for some people….weed just wakes them up….so instead of sitting on couches eating donuts like they see on the TV when they stereotype the stoners…they are getting mad….smoking that government weed…that is probably laced like the cocaine in California that comedians snort…I mean why wouldn’t it be…

Anyway, weed isn’t legal in the USA, so you still have weed activists getting naked for the cause, and some look like they smoke too much weed, but that’s ok…we like them cuz they’re not famous since famous people are shit, and people trying to be famous are less shit, cuz they aren’t famous yet, but still shit….cuz they are people.

Posted in:Weed


