I'll Make You Famous…




Hailey Bieber Stroke Pussy of the Day

So much goes on in such little time…we’ve got things like Hailey Bieber stroking out because of her vaccine, sure it was a mild stroke, but she’s a 25 year old girl, who probably isn’t even on the Birth Control Pill if she knows having kids with rich guys is good for the bank balance….even though she apparently doesn’t have a prenup with Bieber…

When I was 25, I was partying all night, sleeping all day. I wasn’t doing any physical activity because I was so fucking hung over, before drinking again…I would smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, I’d eat a GREASY brunch at 4 pm and two slices of 49 cent PIZZA at 4 am….I’d do street drugs, party drugs….and for some reason…I STILL haven’t had a stroke, not even a mild one…I probably will, I’m in my 50s….but I sure as fuck didn’t at 25…

So this fit bitch, who does PILATES and other fitness events on the daily, who has a personal chef, who eats well, who may even sleep well is getting minor strokes…assuming she’s got that “Vaccine”….which I do….I guess we’ll have a lot of tragedies far worse than MINOR strokes as everyone clots out on their spike proteins…

Or maybe it’s from her face injections…

Or maybe it’s a bad publicity stunt because she’s not as famous as she’d like and she’s already pushed her pussy as far as it can go to get as famous as she can by marrying Bieber….

Either way, stroked out girl on blood thinners the rest of her life…HOT…if you’re into having half vegetable women you nurse for the sex they can’t say no to thanks to the stroke…and they can’t run from….thanks to the stroke…sicko.

Posted in:Hailey Bieber