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Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day

Unlike the bikini or swimsuit energy you get from social media, where every bitch an her mother and grandmother is in a bikini at all times, even when I watch weird “van life” girls or “off grid cabin life” girls use salacious bikini pics as their cover picture, only for me to click through and learn about them connecting water to their cabin from their drilled well, or some shit….

The bikini, is the number one marketing tool because sociey as a whole are a bunch of fucking bikini loving perverts….half naked is all we seem to give a fuck about, so in keeping up with the internet, here’s a round-up of bathing suit girls in bathing suits looking for attention, being used by me as clickbait, because without the bikini, the internet would be a terrible place, not that it isn’t a terrible place, it’s pretty fucking terrible with all its indoctrination, brain washing, spell they have everyon eunder…..but the bathing suit pics make it ALL worth it…especially for a Canadian hermit hiding behind his snow wall in July, not a bikini in sight, except maybe from off grid wilderness girls looking for their thumbnail for their youtube video.

Posted in:swimsuit