I'll Make You Famous…




Monday Morning #Sundies Roundup of the Day

In case you didn’t know, Instagram is a great soft core porn site, designed for girls who are exhibitionists pretending to be artistic by taking selfies of themselves in lingerie…

Last year, I tried starting a Sunday Night Panty Flash, where girls would send in flashing pics of their panties for me to post and give a prize to the winner, which apparently pissed people off, so I stopped, but then I realized the internet was already collectively doing it under the hashtag #Sundies…

I figure any excuse to post random girls showing off their underwear on the internet is a good enough thing for me to support…so here are the first 20 pics I found from yesterday’s #Sundies…I am sure there are a hell of a lot more if I bothered looking..

This is the kind of viral meme I can endorse…

Posted in:Instagram