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Is this really the Elton John / Britney Spears Official Video of the Day

I am of the school of thought that the Britney conservatorship being dropped was fake. I even think the free Britney movement was fake, or at least ignored for decades until it was needed to become a viral movement when people were locked in their houses bored.

I do not believe that Britney is free, or even alive, I don’t believe she got married, and the people interviewed about her wedding were all industry plants, liars, part of the fucking lie.

I do believer he husband is a bought actor, because he’s an actor and playing the role of Britney husband is huge, especially for a gay like him, meaning he can lie about the whole thing, so long as he gets paid!

It’s just too fucking easy!

Well, to keep the whole Britney is Free and money making while she’s a hot, marketable ticket item, all these retards lining up to support her because they just don’t know the truth, they’ve dropped a Britney/Elton John dance song that they claim is Britney singing, but it’s robot music!

Apparently, this was recorded in 2015 and they sat on it, so why not pretend it’s hot off the presses!

To make the whole lie seem more obvious, like they are mocking us, I saw this clip of what they are saying is the official music video, a Palm Springs pool party!

The kicker, Britney and Elton are played by actors. Two people who are huge stars, on camera all the time said “I’ll sit this one out”, maybe because Britney is in a fucking dungeon somewhere!

At least that’s the conspiracy, believe what you want, who really cares about these rich fucks celebrated for their shit music, I’m more into watching the bikini bitches who could have been hotter, but whatever!

Posted in:Britney Spears|Videos