Here’s some Kendall Jenner in some tight panties, that may or may not be showing off her fat pussy that you know her dad moulded and had made out of silicone and stapled on the fleshy mound where his dick was!
I don’t know what they are selling, but I know that as a Kardashian affiliate, they are selling something, it’s their hustle, best pitchmen in the history of consumerism, who had the help of mindless internet manipulation, but that still took advantage of tricking people into buying ALL their shit they are paid to push, like soulless monsters they are!
I do know that because of the Kendalls of the world, the normies who don’t have brains of their own, do the whole pussy print, cameltoe jacked up inside them, and I get to see it in my daily, non internet life, so thanks for that you fucking puppets destroying the world!
Posted in:Kendall Jenenr|Kendall Jenner