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Archive for the Kendall Jenenr Category




Kendall Jenner is Airing Out the Pussy of the Day

There comes a time in every whore’s life when her vagina gets overheated, either from use, weather, or infection….and she’s forced to do her best to cool down that hot, itchy irritation…..in hopes of eliminating any mouldy smells and drying the whole thing out in the most comfortable of ways…so setting up spread legged in front of a fan seems like the best option…

Normally, they don’t post it on social media, but this is KARDASHIAN stock and they overshare fucking everything! It’s part of the relatability that locks them in as influencers to the people despite not being totally unrelatable….

Posted in:Kendall Jenenr




Kendall Jenner Pussy Print of the Day

Here’s some Kendall Jenner in some tight panties, that may or may not be showing off her fat pussy that you know her dad moulded and had made out of silicone and stapled on the fleshy mound where his dick was!

I don’t know what they are selling, but I know that as a Kardashian affiliate, they are selling something, it’s their hustle, best pitchmen in the history of consumerism, who had the help of mindless internet manipulation, but that still took advantage of tricking people into buying ALL their shit they are paid to push, like soulless monsters they are!

I do know that because of the Kendalls of the world, the normies who don’t have brains of their own, do the whole pussy print, cameltoe jacked up inside them, and I get to see it in my daily, non internet life, so thanks for that you fucking puppets destroying the world!


Posted in:Kendall Jenenr|Kendall Jenner




Kendall Jenner Pussy Dance in a Bikini of the Day

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OH you know what a pussy dance is….

It’s the hottest craze on Instagram…

The girls half naked on the social media gyrate from their pussies – like they were elvis and it was the 50s….only not very offensive…not necessarily the devil’s work…despite her being a Kardashian and thus evil…not necessarily the fall of society or a terrible influence on the youth, because I want to see all the entire generation of her followers do the pussy dance…it’s far better than seeing them get knocked up like her ugly fat sister….it’s just slutty and that makes it great.

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Posted in:Kendall Jenenr|SFW




Kardashian Jenner Bikini Incest of the Day

Kendall Jenner Tits and Ass Bikini

Kardashian Jenner Bikini garbage….because I guess their mom-manager Kris told them it is time to post some half naked pics, but this time with an incest spin, because the world is getting more and more clever or jaded, and less and less interested, that they only will reach when there’s a scandal, like pussy on face of sisters, who aren’t full sisters, and since they are sisters, have no risk of having an Alexis Ren looking incest baby.

Point being, this isn’t hot, but it’s happening and I must share it with you, because we like bikini pics, even if we don’t care for the ridiculous backstory.

Posted in:Kendall Jenenr|Kourtney Kardashian|SFW




Kendall Jenner Overrated Daughter of a Tranny of the Day

Kendall Jenner pumps gas in jeans

Kendall Jennner felt the need to brag about her expensive rich kid rap life, despite being an LA rich kid…while squatting at the gas station with her expensive care.

I think it’s safe to say that the only thing interesting about Kendall Jenner is that her dad is a tranny who cut his dick off recently, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t breast feed her as a baby, like that Tranny I read about in the news recently, who thanks to hormonal therapy was able to breast feed her baby, the way nature intended it..

Everything else about her, is just basic, annoying, trashy, overrated and not nearly hot enough…

I figure the Kardashians, great scammers, but I’d prefer if more than just
Blac Chyna and Kim had the sex tape
…because I want to see Kendall take it up the ass in film…it’d be a good fashion look for her fashion scamming…I prefer broken rich kids, willing to really fight for their fortune, rather than just have it handed out to them…

Put some effort in mooch.


Posted in:Kendall Jenenr|SFW




Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin Fame Whoring of the Day

Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin at New York Fashion Week

Remember a time before instagram, back when models were cool, interesting, had some personalty…..and weren’t just fame whore promo models who wanted to be involved in fashion…rich kids Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin who are so fucking bootleg, so low level, but treated so high end and awesome because Kendall is a Kardashian, and Baldwin is a leech trying to suck any scraps of work that Kendall shits out….all standing around thinking they are important….while not important…but the social media thinks they are…and thus they think they are..

It’s all bullshit, but they exist.

Kendall Jenner….sleaze…

Here’s more Hailey Baldwin…..

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Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|Kendall Jenenr|SFW




Bella Hadid See Through Shirt VS Kendall Jenner See Through Shirt of the Day

Bella Hadid See Through Black Shirt

Bella Hadid wore a see enough shirt to showcase what are likely breast implants…

I want to use these images as evidence that Bella Hadid is fucking ugly….and thus an overrated spoiled rich kid who has a father who fucks models and wants his kids to be models and is willing to invest in it rather than an Ivey League generation because school is for idiots, make the kids vapid, vain celebrities that the industry stupidly overpays…turn them into a viral video basically…and be sure to keep up their face injections because bitch may eventually melt and look as rough as she is looking…

Bella Hadid is not hot…but people seem to think she is….it’s gotta be the tits..tits do that to people…

In Other news, Kendall Jenner had a see through shirt on, she put on a coat, probably her dad’s coat, to cover up, because her dad doesn’t need his sports jackets now that he’s chopped his dick off in a weird rage….you know since she didn’t want you to see her nipples…and as lame as she may be, at least she’s not Bella Hadid…you see she was a star of a hit show for many years, I don’t choose what becomes a hit show and if you’re on a hit show you deserve to get paid…rather than being the sister of the Hit Show star’s mooch…

Either way, no bras anywhere…

Posted in:Bella Hadid|Kendall Jenenr|SFW




Kendall Jenner – Bikini Selfie – of the Day

Kendall Jenner - Bikini Selfie

Do you remember a time when people were a little more humble, and didn’t take pics of themselves in front of the mirror, because they didn’t have the same level of self worth or confidence, and they didn’t think people cared about pictures of them in front of the mirror, because they don’t…

I do..

I remember when people took pictures of things they saw from their perspective, not pics of themselves in front of things they saw…and it’s very fucking weird for an old timer like me to grasp.

Except when those mirror pics are used by girls to send me detailed pics of their vaginas…because without a mirror, the best asshole selfie Just doesn’t happen..

Posted in:Kendall Jenenr|SFW




Kendall Jenner’s Panty Pic and Kim K’s Porn Mom Tits of the Day

In very unimportant news…Kendall Jenner posted a picture of her ass photoshopped in a pair of panties, while topless and grabbing her tit, because that’s what young girls do, especially when they get paid stupid amounts of money to do it, thanks to their mom’s whoring them out…but not in a porn way…in a “Fashionable porn way”….

You know, just following her sister’s trashy lead, but a little more high end, because they made all kinds of stupid money off the sister, they can now afford to be life of luxury…where that their butt shot panty pics are in fact…just “art” or however they spin it to justify posting up panty pics…

I guess, I’m from an era where you had to beg or trick girls into getting into their panties, so seeing all these panties all day is confusing. I mean sure there were always the girls like Kendall in their underwear in magazines and Sears Catalogs…but this shit is everywhere, it’s not even a thing…yet I am posting it like it is…

The more interesting, and not even by much part of this story is her porn mom sister and her porn career tits….that made the family billions of sponsorship money via her porn….being exposed in public like it’s the style, when really it’s just clickbait to stay in the media…Garbage everywhere – but we don’t have the power to collectively unfollow them, it’d be interesting if we did….I’d work on starting a movement if I cared…

Here are the leader…the reason they exist…and her tits…

Posted in:Kendall Jenenr|Kim Kardashian|SFW




Kendall Jenner’s Ass Flash of the Day


Kendall Jenenr is a lovely creature, and I am all about her outfit…

Her only downfall, is actually a huge downfall, and despite being lovely and in a great outfit, she needs to be taken out back and shot, thanks the family that she was dropped into and that she hasn’t disowned, because they are currently using her to stay on the map, to stay relevant and to keep the interest of the general public….using her skinny, fit, tight, model-like body..

The fact is that her genetics come from a horrible place, she shares DNA with horrible people, she represents a horrible time in pop culture, celebrity and Los Angeles…..not to mention she was also raised by these vapid cunts, and associates with those vapid cunts, and thus is a vapid cunt…

But that doesn’t mean you don’t want to fill that emptyness…because when it is in picture..it’s good….

Posted in:Kendall Jenenr