In very unimportant news…Kendall Jenner posted a picture of her ass photoshopped in a pair of panties, while topless and grabbing her tit, because that’s what young girls do, especially when they get paid stupid amounts of money to do it, thanks to their mom’s whoring them out…but not in a porn way…in a “Fashionable porn way”….
You know, just following her sister’s trashy lead, but a little more high end, because they made all kinds of stupid money off the sister, they can now afford to be life of luxury…where that their butt shot panty pics are in fact…just “art” or however they spin it to justify posting up panty pics…
I guess, I’m from an era where you had to beg or trick girls into getting into their panties, so seeing all these panties all day is confusing. I mean sure there were always the girls like Kendall in their underwear in magazines and Sears Catalogs…but this shit is everywhere, it’s not even a thing…yet I am posting it like it is…
The more interesting, and not even by much part of this story is her porn mom sister and her porn career tits….that made the family billions of sponsorship money via her porn….being exposed in public like it’s the style, when really it’s just clickbait to stay in the media…Garbage everywhere – but we don’t have the power to collectively unfollow them, it’d be interesting if we did….I’d work on starting a movement if I cared…
Here are the leader…the reason they exist…and her tits…
Posted in:Kendall Jenenr|Kim Kardashian|SFW