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Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I am all for the natural function of the tit being exploited by the people who are lactating by turning it into a sexual fetish for body builders who buy the breast milk on the black market for the human growth hormones, or by the lonely perverts who never knocked a woman up and always wanted to suck on a milky tit, to the perverts like me who like seeing tits pulled out in public, even if it’s to feed a baby, because the tit being pulled out in public overrides the fact that it’s to feed a baby, even if it’s to feed a baby, because I don’t get too involved or care why the tit is being pulled out, I’m just watching the tit being pulled out and I know the girls pulling out the tit, with all their free the nipple feminism bullshit that I know is totally unnecessary, because even before that shit was politicized, going back to caveman era, human woman were pulling out tit to breast feed, and if you went out to some amazonian tribe untouched by humanity until some evil corporation leveled all the trees to make rooms for cows to sell to McDonalds, they were pulling their tits out without needing some social media hashtag, dumb fucks!

So yeah, breast feeding is good because breeding is good for humanity even if people are against it, but breast feeding is better because breasts are good, and humanity is better for it!

Posted in:Lactating