I'll Make You Famous…




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Tight pants are pretty hypnotizing….when I see a pair of tight pants walking up ahead from me, I actually put shit into top gear and risk it all by risk dying of a heart attack, you know, shitting myself right there on the grocery store floor, or sidewalk I’m on all to get closer….

Today, I walked an extra block to see a bitch in tight pants picking up her dog’s shit and she knew precisely why I was there, since I don’t bother trying to be subtle when I know any girl in a pair of tight pants is an attention seeking whore, it’s a different era…..back in the day they’d pretend that they were being modest and that I was the pervert…now we know everyone’s intentions and we work together towards that common goal…

So yeah, tight pants are worth celebrating, when they go on, they should be made into content to be jerked off to, because really, jerking off to a chick picking up her dog’s shit in tight pants is that next level to walking a block and staring that they aren’t quite ready for….BUT THEY WILL Be.

Posted in:Tight Pants