I don’t go on social media because it rapes the minds of everyone on social media, so I prefer to associate with people who are not on social media, which unfortunately, is pretty much no one but homeless people, criminals trying to hide from the world, and half retards who can’t figure it out….IT WORKS FOR ME.
In not sitting on social media eagerly waiting for these cunts to post something racy, since there is so much raciness in content, that the whole barometer or whatever measuring stick you use to determine what racy content is, has shifted to near porn….and some are posting actual porn….because a girl has to get noticed, while being sex positive and empowered, you know how it is.
So we’ve got normies turning 18 and eagerly launching their onlyfans to sell butthole pics they’ve always wanted to take, but they weren’t able to take, because it was illegal for them to take them, but now that it’s legal, FULL THROTTLE and it’s hardly as bad as the other girls on the internet that dudes are jerking off to…..
I guess the argument would be the GOALPOSTS of nudity has moved and we’re alright with that and apparently so is Britney Spears, not that this is actually Britney Spears, since I think Britney Spears is dead or locked in a basement somewhere being tortured by her handlers, but it sure is someone pretending to be Britney, or just old content of Britney they had lying around that they figure will make the right amount of noise in this humilation process…so the girl worth 100s of millions of dollars, shoots weird shower in her underwear videos for social media, on a phone that makes the content look worse than early shower videos I used to make of sluts on my camcorder in the analog days.
It makes no sense, but she’s topless, so distract me with that…..how about going full throttle, none of these cocktease, grey area, waking that line of smut and weird even though we all know the real Britney fodder being passed around the industry is more on the snuff side of things…
If you’re into kept women, brainwashed and confused into doing weird shit topless…and I know you are….Here’s Britney Bitch.
Posted in:Britney Spears|Britney Spears