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Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

It’s the last full back panties friday of the year and no one cares….

Either you’re all in your own vaccine induced psychosis as you change your gender and freeze tomato juice into cubes you can shove up your ass once a month to pretend that you’re having your period like a fucking crazy person that everyone coddles and pretends is a non-crazy person because they are crazy too.

Or, you’re spending the day with family and friends, enjoying yourself off the internet because FULL BACK panties aren’t that important when you reflect on the last year and anticipate the next year being better and not more insane…

Whatever you’re into, I hope you get your share of FULL BACK panties from a girl you love and who loves you enough to wear full back panties in front on you….it’s the relationship panty….instead of from the homeless women you have sex with to give them something to fill their bellies….they don’t care about you…they just want a warm shower and that can of soup man..

Happy fucking new year.

Posted in:Fullback Panty