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Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

It’s Memorial Day for the Americans out there…which in this world that sees their national flags as problematic, because they are commie bastards, that may not mean quite what it used to mean, but the internet whores are probably posting bikini selfies from the pool.

In the past, a generation of people went to war, fought on the frontlines for whatever the puppet masters that be were selling, they were likely far more emotional about Memorial day, having had friends die in their arms in battle, but this generation is soft…and the funniest thing about it is that they aren’t even anti-war if it’s sold to them the right way, just look for all the millennials with UKRAINE flags who aren’t UKRAINIAN out there…..

This generation is also more interested in whining, virtue signalling, being racist through virtue signalling, sterilizing themselves, dressing up as furries, being sexual deviant perverts, selling nudes, cutting their dicks and tits off, and becoming social media influencers or memes so that they feel that they matter.

So with the GAY-IFICATION of everything here’s some milky tits, sexualizing the milky tits, to try to sell the whole breeding thing, used as a memorial of what was traditional family values, hopefully inspiring people because the future relies on the people with good old fashioned conservative values to start breeding, because the general species is weak, on a suicide or extinction mission, they’ve lost sight of all decency, are a bunch of vile scumbags and through it all they are annoying every step of the way…

So here’s some Milky Tits on Memorial Day to remind you the of the idea of what people were fighting for, even if it was really just to make a bunch of pieces of shit very rich.

Posted in:Lactating