I'll Make You Famous…




Tanline Thursday of the Day

It’s summer and in support of today’s bathing suit post that was supposed to be posted Tuesday but that no one realized wasn’t posted on Tuesday, since we’re just not that relevant or important around here and no one is watching my every move, except maybe the FEDS with all my anti-vaxxer content I posted throughout COVID, which has mysteriously disappeared as a concept despite nothing changing, and has been replaced with billionaire perverts in a Submarine heading to check out the Titanic, only to suffocate to death with other rich idiots doing rich idiot things like paying 250k a head to head to death….FAKE AND GAY NEWS….

What isn’t fake and gay is TANLINES, I mean sure they can be fake, there’s probably a filter for that, but it’s not gay…unless some of these tanlines are rocking tranny cock….

The point of the post, NATURE’S HIGHLIGHTER letting you know where the CLOTHING was when they were outside, so that your retard brain understands that you are seeing something that people didn’t see when these women were out there on the outside….EXCITING…fuck yes.

Posted in:Tanlines