If you’ve ever wondered what a ballsack turned into a vagina squeezed into a wet bikini, here it is.
Hailey Beiber is Justin Beiber’s wife, he’s a known faggot therefore it makes perfect sense that she was born with a dick…
She is also Brazilian, or her mom is, which is the hub of tranny porn, and they’ve been on the trans thing for a lot longer than most cultures, AIDS from Brazilian tranny porn shut down the porn industry with an AIDS scare more than once. RIP LARA ROXX….I don’t think she died, it’s not a life sentence, but I am old and like to draw on past experiences…
Hailey Beiber creeps me out, not only because her hard face looks like Justin, but because she was clearly a teen boy jerking off to her TEEN BEAT magazine before becoming the “fake” model she became to LURE that fucker in thanks to being the best behaved groupie…
Tranny or not, she probably isn’t, but it’s fun to pretend she is and not because I jerk off to tranny porn, I’ll still stare at her ass crying for attention like the days it was her only HOLE….because Tranny or not, she was a Christian and Christians do anal before marriage to remain pure before their Christ..

Posted in:Hailey Bieber