I was emailed anonymously by someone who works at an abortion clinic, or who claims to work at an abortion clinic, where Britney Spears had an abortion the last couple of days. The reason was because she didn’t know who the baby daddy was and now she’s taken a couple weeks off to relax, recover and get her shit together.
The reason she’s acting wild on tour, fucking all the random cock she can, is because her dad has her by the abortion vagina, or as I like to call it her death trap, she’s on a short fucking leash and she’s been trying to escape him.
Her cellphone was taken away because she was calling friends to kidnap her from the hell she’s living. I can only assume it is going to end in a bloody murder as it is her only way out of this court order control.
The reason he’s got a tight fucking leash on her is not because he needs it for his dental bills because he pretty much crawled out of a Louisianna Bayou but because she finances all his business ventures that fail and he needs to keep the flow of cash comin’ in and the whole think is almost sad, except for the whole fact that she pretty much won the lottery when she was a kid and this is just what comes with selling your soul to the devil.
I wasn’t Allowed to Post the New Bikini Pictures So To See Them – Follow This Link
Posted in:Abortion|Britney Spears