I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Alona Tal Category




Alona Tal in a Bikini of the Day

Alona Tal is from Israel…

She was apparently the cheerleader in Veronica Mars….a show that I have never seen, but I assume that all you idiots have seen because you are big Kristen Bell fan and Kristen Bell was Veronica Mars…which was on TV and clearly that’s what you people are into. Thank god for Cable. Too bad Cable’s almost dead…

So forgotten or not, the 34 year old Alona Tal, is posting up bikini pics….because who the fuck isn’t posting up bikini pics.

The reason I am posting them up is because the bikini bottoms are doing the “Bridge”….which is when panties run from hip to hip…it’s something I’ve learned all these years on the internet and that alone depresses me…because that means I am one of you perverts…

Posted in:Alona Tal|SFW