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Archive for the Amy Hixson Category




Amy Hixson titties for Guess? of the Day

Amy Hixson titties for Guess

Amy Hixson is trying to be the new Anna Nicole Smith…but is more the new Charlotte McKinney….

They claim to be Guess? Models but they’ve only been in some shoot they got a retweet on the Guess feed…it’s not official..

I googled her and found out that she is a Victoria’s Secret model, or was a Victoria’s Secret model at 5 foot 11, and that this isn’t her pulling some low level shit, this is actually getting paid to pull out them tits for the brand, even though the shoot looks totally fucking bootleg…or as bootleg as any shoot could be that features tits, which we know is not bootleg at all because tits, anyway you dice them…are premium, luxury and amazing…

That’s about all I have to say about that.

Posted in:Amy Hixson




Amy Hixson Posing with Porn for Glamour Italia of the Day


Amy Hixson can suck my anus…no seriously, all these models are for hire, you just have to pretend you have a private jet…and they usually won’t even charge you…

That’s not to say Amy Hixson is quite like all the other models, I am sure she would never admit she’s like the other models, because with these models comes a level of delusion that involves not realizing that they are only into rich guys and famous guys..but are the first to call out other girls for being whores…or sugar babies…but never taking ownership

I guess what I am saying is that I love Amy Hixson and want to have her baby, after she marries a rich guy, so that I can mooch off her like she mooches off him…seems to the only way this love will work out…

In the meantime I’ll try to understand the “artist” statement of this silly shoot for Glamour Italia…

Posted in:Amy Hixson|SFW