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Archive for the Ashley Graham Category




Ashley Graham’s Big Tits for Love Magazine of the Day

What we can all learn from Plus-Sized model – Kate Upton – is that big girls come with big tits…and big tits are worth staring at…whether they are part of the LOVE MAGAZINE ADVENT ….or just in my face at the strip club…

Now I am not a tit guy, I like tits, but I’m more into skinny bitches, but if you’re going to fuck with a porker chubby pig of a girl…whether she’s branded as a model or not…she might as well have big tits…because big girls with small tits are just weird…

Posted in:Ashley Graham




Ashley Graham Plus Sized Lingerie of the Day

I would argue that the world doesn’t need more plus sized lingerie model pics. In fact I would argue that the world doesn’t need any plus sized lingierie pics. I guess this is just a testament of our times, where the world is obese, and I guess they can’t relate to the skinny models who are build to wear the baseline size 0 of clothing…you know the way clothing is meant to fit when it is designed….but rather make the clothing for the people, and have people the people can relate to model those clothes…

I don’t know who this brand is, but I do know that it should be Victoria’s Secret, but instead they use girls they pay 1,000,000 dollars a year to, who have totally disconnected bodies to the audience they sell to, and for some reason they get celebrated, instead of shat on for being evil for how they objectify women…

Where are the feminists protesting them? Probably wearing Victoria’s Secret…so that said, I am all for what this company is doing, even if I hate fat chicks, because fat is unhealthy and disgusting…

Posted in:Ashley Graham