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Archive for the Ashley Graham Category




Ashley Graham Gunt Eats Bathings Suit and Everything Else in Some Offensive Body Positive Shoot of the Day


Yes…we get it…own your fat…but I think shoving it down all of our throats is offensive.

We get it…fat girls can get naked and be half naked. We’ve all been there and know that some fat chicks are the loud ones flashing their tits at the bar. Not all are self-hating, reserved fat chicks, eating pints of ice cream with their cats..

We get it…some fat chicks own being fat chicks as they make you take them to the all you can eat buffet to down all the fucking cake their diabetes can handle before having a leg amputated..

We get it…some fat chicks like showing you how massive her shits are, or how bad her farts are…

We get it…there are bathing suits made for fat chicks, because fat chicks go to beaches even though they should go to temperate climates as to no strain their already strained hearts..

We get it….you can fit into any shower curtain that’s been cut into a trendy shape because brands know fat chicks is a huge market, so give them fat chicks fashion so they will buy you clothes..

But why this is celebrated, or empowering makes no sense to me, other than that people are scared to call a fat chick a pig, or an elephant, who should cover up – TAKE THIS BATH ROBE PLEASE…..people are scared to say “I fuck fat chicks at 3 am when no one else wants to show off their mouth skills, and trust me fat chicks have mouth skills, on my dick”…

Other fat chicks and BBW / BBQ fetishists, into the whole feeder things are celebrating what DOCTORS have told us all is high risk and nothing to celebrate….

But Graham can brag that she’s got no health issues, she can brag that we aren’t her doctor, she can also wear a damn bikini in private, but why would she do that…she’s making money…getting famous…good for egos that may make her lazy ass feel good enough to start eating smaller portions…because clearly, she’s been over served whether you want to admit it or not, whether you want to say the BMI obesity scale is wrong…I know, and you know, eat less and exercise means don’t be a fat bitch…

The funniest thing in this fat chick movement of fat chicks who hardly move – is that in the process of celebrating being able to gain weight while being healthy as they claim – to be a voice / face or body with a gunt that eats bathing suits because some fatty girls are shameless..is that they are shaming skinny girls, who are healthy and work out, for being skinny…in reverse bullying…in a world that makes zero fucking sense..

Yes, let everyone do what they want to do….which includes me thinking fat chicks in bathing suits is more a circus act of a better time then what should be a celebrated norm…but then again…I am a renaissance man.

That said, I fuck fat chicks…especially the big titty ones…but I am the worst scum of society…who doesn’t mind looking at their assholes…because I have no standards…but I don’t think society as a whole should follow my lead and have no standards…it’d make for a low of deadbeat garbage leeching off the system…who thinks “fat chicks really give good head, it must be their neck fat jiggle a skinny girl can’t do”…because that’s truth.


Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW




Ashley Graham is a Monster in a Swimsuit of the Day


Ashley Graham is terrifying…

She’s so body positive as she cashes her checks being the hireable fat girl with the loudest voice and least offensive face in fat girls…wearing bikins and bathing suits…even though fat girls should stick to oversized elastic waistband sweatsuits…despite there being a huge market for fat chick bikinis since the world is so fucking fat…even though no one wants to see fat chicks in bikinis…except maybe fat girls who don’t think they are that fat since their friend is fatter and dudes still fuck them…even though they are still fucking fat…

Fat girls are better off locking up and shutting down, eating their feelings until they decide to choose life and start working out…this accepting and owning laziness being a powerplay is so ridiculous since all evidence states fat is death and fat is something you can get over if you work at it..but why work..when you can spin that story out…so that you don’t have to…it’s fucking crazy…

That’s not to say I wouldn’t piss on Ashley Graham’s pussy while she’s getting eaten out by some skinny model, in some fat model on normal model mud wrestling fetish after the eating contest I masterfully coordinated…I have no standards, the world needs fat chicks..just not as models…or rolemodels…perpetuating the lazy that made them…

Not to mention – this bitch is photoshopped and made up – which by definition of being body positive is hypocrisy….

This whole celebrate fat – swimsuit for all is a good scam – but just crazy…unless you’re a black dude…

They have a video – big budget set video – all for fat chicks – what the fuck…I need to get into the fat chick business…

Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW




Fat Ashley in of the Day


Ashley Graham is a monster in a bikini and she is in this swimsuits4all campaign that was initially put out back in February, and should have never happened, because no one wants to see pigs in bathing suits, except maybe some pig fetishists…

It’s like they are still milking this fat girl in bathing suits…which is appropriate because you’re supposed to mink cows…

I find it amazing because I know fat girls know they look like garbage in a bikini – yet brands are still pushing it – because that’s the new angle – make fat girls think they are hot…when they are only hot when getting a blowjob from them when wasted at 4 am. They put in more effort.

Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW




Ashley Graham Workout Video of the Day

If Ashley Graham has accomplished anything in her life as a plus sized model, who is fighting that she’s not plus sized, she’s normal sized…it’s that she reaffirms the whole ABS ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN…concept that you can work out all day, hell I see the same fat chicks jog by my apartment EVERY FUCKING day in the summer, yet they don’t lose weight, they actually look like they are getting fatter and fatter, because they are…

They use an hour of cardio as an excuse to eat an entire fucking cake guilt free…

So Graham can continue to assert that she’s healthy, it’s just her bone structure, we’ve heard it all before, she’s not the first fat chick in the history of girls, and she’s sure as hell not the first fat chick trying to convince us she’s hot, because it’s easier than being accountable for being fat….so I’ll watch the fatty do fitness, it’s the premise of of joke and I like jokes…even if she’s positioned it as serious – and it’s working for her…

I mean she is on the cover of Sports Illustrated, of course she’s into fitness, just ignore her belly hanging over her spandex….

Look at that fat ass….look at it…

Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW




Men’s Magazine Goes Fat cuz It’s Trendy with Fat Ashley Graham of the Day


The whole world’s gone fat…or at least pop culture, or the media outlets that are defining pop culture, because everyone I talk to, even fat girls, hate that fatification of American culture…

They are ok with being fat trash, they know they are sugar addicts, they are lazy, and they still get to fuck as a fat chick because dudes want to fuck them, but they also know that they are fat and that no one should want to watch them fuck, even if they like to fuck…because they are lazy and don’t respect their bodies…

Those fat girls, are the kind of fat girls who find hot models relatable and aspirational, but I guess there are fat girls, fat girls I don’t talk to, who have this inflated ego and narcissism…feeling all busty and hot…because fat girls for the most part have huge fucking tits…taking the guys who fuck her because guys will fuck anything seriously…and turning it into a campaign or a modeling career for more than just PLUS SIZED modeling companies dealing with fat AMERICA…but instead trickling into Sports ILLUSTRATED and now MAXIM…who strategically crop her obesity out…but who is still obese…no matter how “healthy and happy” she claims she is…she’s not…otherwise she wouldn’t be fat…fat by default is UNHEALTHTY..

But I guess being delusional and spinning it like it is OK to be fat, to love your body, instead of encouraging health and fitness is great for marketers trying to get people to eat more junk food…it’s like “If we convince them it is OK to be fat, and to feel hot while fat, we can still market bad processed food to them”…

Ashley Graham doesn’t offend me, I mean she’s annoying and I’m not gonna jerk off to her, but the idea of her as a model, telling girls it’s ok to be fat, buy this donut, is just terrorism on a nation of girls who should never be happy fat, because it is killing them.

She represents a bigger problem, literally…but at least she has huge fat chick tits, now go eat some burgers and you can be Ashley Graham too.

Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW




Ashley Graham is the Fat Wife in Lingerie of the Day


Ashley Graham was filtered to shit in this Canadian campaign for bridal lingerie, and I guess to some people, people I don’t understand, so is Ashley Graham….

I mean I understand why the Canadian plus-sized clothing chain this is for are excited about her, I mean the fatter AMerica is, the sicker America is, and the more fat chick clothes they sell, so they fucking love this…as does the pharma industry…

I know when I see a fat chick in bridal lingerie, shit hits way too close to home, and I remember thinking when I married my fat wife that it was just a phase and she’d go back to her old hot self…well it turned out the marriage was a good excuse to get fatter and fatter….to the point you don’t get in the way because her dying would be the fucking best…at least I get to fuck other girls…because if I was forced to stick with fat, I’d probably be the one killing myself more aggressively than I have been all these years…

And when I see a fat chick in lingerie, I feel badly for any bastard turned on by this, or who gets turned on when their fat wife tries to let loose and be sexy in a way far easier than changing her diet and exercising for 4 months, because that dudes life fucking sucks…

And when I see a fat chick in bridal lingerie, I wonder what kind of asshole is marrying the pig, and if he was like me – down on his luck and in need of someone who covered the rent so that he could run a titty blog…because I can’t imagine even the skinny dudes you see with fat chicks like it…

I guess she’s not terrible, it’s disgusting, but not disgusting enough to say no to if it stuck your dick down her throat confusing it for a cocktail wiener….Ashley Graham gets laid…probably a lot but it’s still representative of all that is wrong with America…we need skinny girls to be our idols…not empowered fat girls…who claim they are healthy despite science telling a different story..

Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW




Ashley Graham for Cosmo of the Day

Ashley Graham - Cosmopolitan - April 2016_004

I remember when fat chicks in Bikinis were part of a bigger punchline to a bigger joke…you know to get a cheap laugh…throw the fat chick in the mix, since fat girls doing anything, from Obstacle courses to aerobics to sex is just fucking funny…

The only way for fat chicks to make money, other than working at the cash at Walmart, or starring in BBW porn for weird fat chick fetishists….

But now, fat chicks are being taken seriously, because if you’ve met a fat chick, 10 percent are the outspoken kind, who are the loudest pig in the room, and not the insecure weirdo emotionally eating kind…like Ashley Graham who keeps on talking her trash because it’s paying out for her….she’s gotta be the ambassador of something besides overeating..

I believe in Body Shaming…but Politically Correct Fat America, with fat people doing fat things and fat people doing skinny people things, like they aren’t even fat at all, while being all fat, so it’s paying off for them….so instead of accepting their unhealthy ways, their fatness, their disgustingness, they are not turning it around to get healthy…but instead stripping down and saying “LOOK AT ME”….weird…

Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW




Ashely Graham See Through of the Day



Ashley Graham is the fat girl that SI is using to appear politically correct in an era of social justice warriors who have groups and pages on Facebook and who can collectively target, boycott, ban and write worded emails to the advertisers and the execs at the magazines, basically annoying the fuck out of everyone…

So just throw a fat pig of a bitch who represents zero Athletic, unless you think failing at a pilates class once, or walking on the treadmill to justify pigging out on cake is a fitness.

And everyone will be ok with the 1000s of pics of hot bodied whores half naked inside the magazine…clever fucks…and while they’re at it, just make sure there’s at least one nipple shot of the pig, so you know she’s not as sloppy a cow as you’d think and that she actually has perkier, full, rounded big tits…like a fat girl…but not like a sloppy fat girl…

Maybe she is everything you ever wanted and not just for black and hispanic men who love this big girl shit…


Posted in:Ashley Graham




Ashley Graham’s Fat Girl in LIngerie Campaign of the Day


Ashley Graham is a big….deal…and model…she’s just big across the board..people are booking her because the market is fat girls and in this PC anti misogyny or objectification of woman…the industry needs at least one fat chick for affirmative action…and they need that fat chick to do things that the skinny chicks do..but for fat chick brands…so that that can’t get criticized…for giving unrealistic body image and if they do that – they can continue to use the skinny chicks and use the fat chick like racists use their “I have a lot of black friends” before saying something racist…

BBW has always existed, so luckily, we can still objectify this fat chick, who gets half naked like some kind of circus freak….novelty act….making money for people and herself, allowing body positive people to use her as their hero…postergirl..

Now I’m not into fat chicks, mainly because I married one, and they are disgusting and smell, but really skinny dudes, black guys, some latin guys and lonely people who prefer sex to masturbation love fat chicks and can focus on their tits…so this one is for them….

This is not for any of you forced to sit next to a fat person on a plane…for a long haul flight…praying he’s not going to sit next to you as he squeezes down the aisle…

Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW




Ashley Graham’s Plus Sized Bikini Model for Sports Illustrated Ad of the Day

This isn’t a Sports Illustrated produced video. It is an ad placed on Sports Illustrated, that I am sure Sports Illustrated was responsible for due to the press it will get…without it going against everything they stand for…

Look at Sports Illustrated getting paid to be inclusive, even though they’ve been featuring plus sized models for a very long time, from Kate Upton to other awkwardly shaped girls, but I guess this one takes the prize, for being the most plus sized, as America gets fatter and fatter, this becomes the norm, and politically, they have to play this shit up like they are endorsing full figures, even though I’m sure they are mocking it for a viral video to generate buzz, in fact their creative directors are probably the first people to call a model fat…before using them for their marketing play..

So…it goes like this…pay SI 100k to be in their mag…get a video produced…let Sports Illustrated get all the press….Genius.

Posted in:Ashley Graham