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Men’s Magazine Goes Fat cuz It’s Trendy with Fat Ashley Graham of the Day


The whole world’s gone fat…or at least pop culture, or the media outlets that are defining pop culture, because everyone I talk to, even fat girls, hate that fatification of American culture…

They are ok with being fat trash, they know they are sugar addicts, they are lazy, and they still get to fuck as a fat chick because dudes want to fuck them, but they also know that they are fat and that no one should want to watch them fuck, even if they like to fuck…because they are lazy and don’t respect their bodies…

Those fat girls, are the kind of fat girls who find hot models relatable and aspirational, but I guess there are fat girls, fat girls I don’t talk to, who have this inflated ego and narcissism…feeling all busty and hot…because fat girls for the most part have huge fucking tits…taking the guys who fuck her because guys will fuck anything seriously…and turning it into a campaign or a modeling career for more than just PLUS SIZED modeling companies dealing with fat AMERICA…but instead trickling into Sports ILLUSTRATED and now MAXIM…who strategically crop her obesity out…but who is still obese…no matter how “healthy and happy” she claims she is…she’s not…otherwise she wouldn’t be fat…fat by default is UNHEALTHTY..

But I guess being delusional and spinning it like it is OK to be fat, to love your body, instead of encouraging health and fitness is great for marketers trying to get people to eat more junk food…it’s like “If we convince them it is OK to be fat, and to feel hot while fat, we can still market bad processed food to them”…

Ashley Graham doesn’t offend me, I mean she’s annoying and I’m not gonna jerk off to her, but the idea of her as a model, telling girls it’s ok to be fat, buy this donut, is just terrorism on a nation of girls who should never be happy fat, because it is killing them.

She represents a bigger problem, literally…but at least she has huge fat chick tits, now go eat some burgers and you can be Ashley Graham too.

Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW