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Archive for the Ashley Smith Category




Ashley Smith Topless Shoot of the Day

Ashley Smith is a hot fucking model with big old titties that she always shows off…and that I like to look at…but not necessarily cuz I like busty models willing to show off her tits…even though I really like busty models willing to show off their tits…but because I like girls with fucked up teeth…and this girl has a gap for fucking days….a gap that is erotic to me for some fucking reason…and maybe it is cuz it is symbolic of the gap between her legs…or maybe cuz a bitch with fucked up teeth…


Here she is in this unknown shoot….

Posted in:Ashley Smith|NSFW




Ashley Smith Tits for Oyster of the Day

Ashley Smith….not THE ASHLEY SMITH WHO KILLED HERSELF ON SUICIDE WATCH WHILE IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL…. but the busty Texan fashion model born in 1991….with rockin’ fucking tits…who is gap toothed but amazing to look at…is doing some semi nude…barely see her nipple…pics for a magazine called Oyster…that reminds me how badly I’d love to eat her oyster and play with her pearl…that was a horrible obvious vagina reference for those of you not down wih the slimely, fishy scented, but very popular sea food…

She’s going places…places that will make the chance of me getting up inside her more and more challenging…but at least I get to look at her pictures…at least she gives me that….what an angel….

Posted in:Ashley Smith




Ashley Smith Hot in Elle of the Day

Ashley Smith is a busty gapped tooth model who I am posting because she’s kinda hot….more importantly kinda naked….even more importanlty hiding her tits like some kind of diva cunt who cock teases in her modeling now that she’s made it…in this recent high profile photoshoot….and that kind of behavior makes me mad…so I figured I’d use it as an excuse to POST HER NAKED TITS FOR FASHION ….from when she used to show her tits for fashion….to get noticed in fashion….to get high paying gigs in fashion…for the good life thanks to fashion….tits I appreciate…..

Posted in:Ashley Smith




Ashley Smith Vintage Bikini for The Sunday Telegraph of the Day

Ashley Smith is some big titty gapped tooth Gap model cuz they are literal… who may or may not have tried to sue me for posting shitty pics of her honeymoon, but I have a feeling that may be Lara Stone….another big titty model with a gap tooth…..

Either way, I’m digging the vintage bathing suit vibe….even if it isn’t pornographic….you see cuz as a model SHE HAS POSED TOPLESS AND HER BIG TITS THAT ARE PROBABLY FAKE TITS, ARE AMAZING …..but you know sometimes it is nice to jerk off to things that are wholesome and PG rated….It is the corporate philosophy at Disney and they are a multi billion dollar empire…so it’s gotta do some good….and I guess that’s part of the reason I’m posting it, but the main motivation is ass and pussy in bathing suits robbed from dead grandmothers….turn me on….

Posted in:Ashley Smith




Ashley Smith Ass in Panties Viral for Jalouse of the Day

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Here’s a hipster fashion video that is so clever because it breaks down what the video maker wanted to do with his video…you know to make it viral…I can just imagine when they came up with this concept as a group and gave each other high fives over the shit…you know tell us what you’re doing so we can laugh about how true and ironic it is…and the fact that all their followers and drones actually think it is clever reminds me of how idiotic the world is…98 percent of people are useless fucking sheep who attach themselves to various bullshit…but at their core are just the fucking same follower looking for acceptance….

The good news is that there’s some hot model ass in panties….which is great if you can see past how annoying the concept behind the shit is…

Posted in:Ashley Smith




Ashley Smith’s Big Model Tits in a Photoshoot of the Day

Ashley Smith is some model with a massive gap in her teeth…but more importantly with a massive set of tits…I’m surprised I’ve never posted topless pics of her because I am sure they exist…but I’m too lazy to dig through it – I’m nursing a boxing day hangover and doubt anyone is even on the site right now…because my life work is pathetic like that….while Ashley Smith’s life work isn’t….it gives boners…if you’re like me and like gap in teeths and massive titties….

This just in…a good friend and lover to the site took the time to send us these pics of Ashley Smith’s tits so I didn’t have to look for them…and they are great…

Posted in:Ashley Smith




Ashley Smith in the Sisley Fall 2010 Terry Richardson Campaign of the Day

Terry Richardson is overrated. He ripped off some bullshit erotica hipster point and shoot snapshot style and for some reason the obviously bored fashion industry jumped on him cuz they thought he was some kind of visionary….so instead of shotting the owner of Vice’s cock, the very same cock Terry Richardson sucked to get a career, he started shotting ad campaigns and Vogue shoots and pretty much every celebrity and I find the whole thing pretty boring, especially cuz it’s just some corporate, no pussy lip, soft sell out shit…but as I get older I realize, it’s good to sell out, cuz then you can retire and fuck many hookers on private islands….and the idiots hating on you are the idiots sitting on their soiled couches, hating their fat wifes and posting pictures you took of some model sucking cucumber saying how you got soft….shitty.

Posted in:Ashley Smith