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Archive for the Ava Sambora Category




Ava Sambora Getting Lezzy of the Day

Ava Sambora Lesbian

Ava Sambora posted this panty girl on girl tease a few days ago, I just didn’t bother posting it, even though the children of celebrities doing slutty shit for attention is a hobby of mine, I mean 75% of the celeb content I post on here is someone with a famous parent and that’s probably not by design, since I am a degenerate who doesn’t really have a plan, and more to do with me liking rich kids who don’t have to do shit to accomplish shit thanks to a last name…

I mean Sambora is rich as fuck from Bon Jovi, I mean I don’t know how rich he is, but Bon Jovi like U2 and other bands from the early 80s that are still around…still print money.

I was reading an article on Roald Dahl being an anti-semite for saying back in 1983 when asked about being an anti-semite something about “if there’s an anti- anything, it’s probably for a reasoN”….which isn’t really the point of why I brought Roald Dahl into this post…james and the Giant Peach Shit…the point was to say that his family, 30 years after his death, still make 13 million dollars a year off his royalties from his books and movie deals…13 million a year…dude’s been dead for 30 years….so I assume ava’s going to be in the same situation…so why bother doing anything buy sleazy content whilst you’re hot….everyone else is doing it…and it’s not for the fucking money man…it’s a recession, the great depression around the corner, it’s about real currency that matters when you have all the currency you ever needed…LIKES and follows motherfucker.


Posted in:Ava Sambora




Ava Sambora’s Bikini of the Day

Ava Sambora is crazy Heather Locklear’s daughter…and I like to celebrate rich and entitled cunts who have no concept of actual reality…but are stuck in their own weird rich Hollywood reality…and are out there doing slutty bikini pics to try to compete with the Kardashians and Jenners and other kids they grew up with who are on the exact same hustle….but doing a bit better than this one….

There is no way they don’t all know each other, the new generation of celeb kids on instagram, who need their own TV show, only they aren’t that interesting….coddled twats are never interesting

The only hope this one has is that Ava Sambora’s mom Heather Locklear..is a fucking nut job, so she was raised by a raging addict nutcase, and that probably gives AVA some edge, some personality, some fun…and you know what they say about the crazy ones….that they are crazy in bed…so the kids of the crazy ones…even better….cuz they aren’t old, weather and expired like the mom….

Here are some bikini pics.

Posted in:Ava Sambora|SFW




Ava Sambora Wet Bikini of the Day

Ava Sambora Tits Wet Bikini

Ava Sambora has a crazy institutionalized mom…who was a rockstar fucking, low level actress, who was seen as famous and hot, back when she was relevant, before going fucking mental, being arrested a bunch of times, all while raising her daughter…Ava to be a fine example of a spoiled whore from LA doing the instagram thing, cuz it gives her something to do, her dad’s in Bon Jovi, they are very rich and what the fuck else is she suppposed to do..other than get naked and try to get attention…which excites me.

Ava Sambora


Posted in:Ava Sambora|SFW




Ava Sambora Facetune Tits of the Day

When your mom is a lunatic rock and roll groupie who has evolved into a mental patient with an extensive criminal record for being crazy….Heather Locklear and your dad is Jon Bon Jovi bandmember Roche Sambora…being raised rich as fuck…forced to fend for herself while her mom was sucking dick instead of breast feeding…and being a mom…the Hollywood way…because these are all terrible people….rocking a serious inheritance with no need to ever work…spending her days face tuning / photoshopping her tits to keep her occupied and give her some sense of purpose or meaning…isn’t that big of a deal. Let the poor little rich kid have some hobbies if they involve tit and they do.


Posted in:Ava Sambora|SFW




Ava Sambora’s Crazy Mother Bikini Tribute of the Day

Here’s some Ava Sambora celebrating her mom’s insanity with some tits…

Because every rocker girl who ends up getting an acting job, but more interestingly a rockstar husband who she makes babies with…ends up with a drug addiction and crazy.

So nothing like a rich as fuck trust fund kid, I mean her dad is in Bon Jovi…trying the bikini model thing, while her mom is out there trying to kill herself…for whatever reason…

Which I guess means there’s some deep rooted trauma in this girl being raised by a psycho, and even if she seems resilient, she’s hurting on the inside…no one wants to see their mom suffer, especially when she’s Heather Locklear…


Posted in:Ava Sambora|SFW




Ava Sambora Tits for the Dead Mom Club of the Day

Ava Sambora is soon to be in the dead mother’s society, which is a place where people with dead mother’s come together and chat about life without a mother….a club that despite having a dead mother, I am not invited to…because I guess I am just intolerable by even the most tolerant people…

Sure, Ava’s mom isn’t dead yet, but she’s almost dead, and that’s what happens when you’re Heather Locklear, a 90s rock pussy, who happened to get on TV for being hot, and who managed to carry that into getting her rock pussy knocked up with this Ava girl…by Bon Jovi, a huge act….

So while Bon Jovi toured the world…fucking other women, Ava’s mom just lived the good life, which I guess has finally collapsed because all these bitches are crazy..

What better way to celebrate Heather Locklear’s life than seeing her daughter’s half nakedness…her legacy.

Posted in:Ava Sambora|SFW




Ava Sambora in a Bikini of the Day

Ava Sambora in her bikini

Ava Sambora is the daughter of Bon Jovi’s Richie Sambora and Heather Locklear who you may remember as the 90s babe from basically mainstream porno, the TV version, an Aaron Spelling show, masturbatory and cheesy as fuck, but that people would get hooked on like the assholes people are….at least we assume her dad is Richie Sambora, who knows what Heather Locklear was doing in her peak, in terms of cum in her pussy…for all we know this could be the child of another rocker that she won’t ever admit to…because that’s how groupie celebrity blond high bro porno level actors who don’t get naked live…

Ava, has taken her trust fund, her spoiled brat life, and become pretty fucking low level model, up on some IRELAND BALDWIN shit…

You’d think, she’d do better in her shameless self promotion, I am sure she could easily be up there with the Hadids being shameless, getting paid…but instead..she just does low hanging clickbait like this.

I’ll still look at her tits, because youthful tits remind me of a life worth living.

Posted in:Ava Sambora|SFW




Ava Sambora Crops Her Pussy Out of the Day

I know Richie Sambora, one of Bon Jovi, one of the biggest bands in the fucking world..and rockstar groupie turned actress Heather Locklear are no Bruce Jenner or Kris Kardashian…or reality star Mohammed Amut Hadid and Yolanda….or even as accomplished as Stephen Baldwin…but you’d think their hot young fit daughter willing to get half naked on social media – would be as dialed in as all these other sluts making 250,000 dollars a post on Instagram, for ONE post on instagram because they are seen as relevant….

I guess when you’re dad’s worth hundreds of millions of dollars, you don’t need to be out there hustling like a Kardashian because you know you’re set…so you can just pretend to work, while being hot and on trust fund payments…because the more famous and rich your family is..the less you have to monetize your shamelessness – but instead can be as trashy as slutty as all the other girls your age and not really have to fuck creepy rich dudes or really actually whore herself for that good life.

I am a fat fat fan…

Posted in:Ava Sambora|SFW




Ava Sambora’s in a Bikini of the Day


Ava Sambora is so marketable, yet she does the instagram hooker approach to modelng….I don’t understand how that happened, or why it happened, or how she is so disconnected with the simple steps it takes to get instagram famous, something they all want…when her mom is Heather Locklear and her dad is Bon Jovi’s right hand, both who have a pile of fucking money, they can use to help her produce good quality shit..

It’s like why pull the HADID and be a respectable model, when you can just be like Brooke Hogan or fucking whoever else had money and fucking failed at making it work because she went for trashy instead of gold, even though all of it is the fucking same and equally fucking trash…

I believe in Ava Sambora…she will turn this around…ideally onto all fours so I can see more of where her asshole and pussy meet…my favorite seam on any body..


Posted in:Ava Sambora|SFW




Ava Sambora Still Bikinis of the Day


Ava Sambora, is a rich kid trying to make it, and who I truly believe could make it, even if her mom barely made it, but got to where she did by making it, with dudes who were into making it with her….she was still on TV…

So this Ava Sambora has still got the name, opportunity, finances, and youthful, marketable, commercial look and spirit to be the next big thing…the next Gigi Hadid, the accessibly hot, tight body, moderately cheesy, yet relatable half naked girl..perfect to promote bikinis, or Carl’s Jr, or any of the real basic stuff that bros and dudes are like “look hot girL”…

YET – she chooses to do the stripper / hooker / instagram immigrant model route..with all the money and connects, she chooses trashy….and it’s weird to me…. is she that sheltered and disconnected that she doesn’t know what is cool and what is not, so she jumps on the whore hustle…or is she just blacklisted by the industry..because of who her mom is…or is she just clueless and takes anything that happens fo rher – I DON’T GET IT…

But I do think she should hire me as her manager. We could make magic / a sex tape.

She is great. Misguided rich kid who could, but great…ass…great ass.


Posted in:Ava Sambora|SFW