I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Blossom Category




I Can’t Believe This Monster Was Ever on TV of the Day

Here’s the monster who played Blossom. I rememeber wondering what the fuck the Network was thinking by putting something that looked like this onto their hit show. I knew it would mind fuck pubescent boys into thinking there was something hot about her, just because she was on TV and was the main character of a show they watched, making them think their was something wrong with them if they found her as fucking disgusting as she is.

When I first came to America and jumped into a class in a small country school there was limited young pussy, but for some reason the girl who was regarded as the hot one was a mutant like this Blossom bitch. I’d sit there wondering why she had the ego and the guys chasing her when I thought she belonged driven a couple hundred miles into the woods and released back to nature.

Maybe it had something to do with the 80s and ugly chicks being seen a hot, but I think it had to do with the popular group of guys being faggots who really just wanted each other, but I still doubted myself and found myself trying to jerk off to her and losing my boner, making me think I was fucked up.

The media has a responsibility to put attractive people on screen, so that the world doesn’t get confused and think there is a place for the ugly people, I mean in a sexual way, because ugly people are good at doing low level jobs good lookin’ people are too good lookin’ to do…

And here is Blossom now….

Posted in:Blossom|Monster




Some Where is Blossom Now of the Day

If you ever watched the show Blossom, like I did, not because I wanted to be the teen heartthrob that Joey Lawrence was and learn his trick, or because I was down with seeing an ugly dumpy Jewish faced girl live out her teenage day-to-day sitcom bullshit, or even because I wanted to fuck her best friend six, but because I was just amazed that such an ugly girl could get on TV. Even in the 80s I knew the Jews ran the industry and figured she was someone’s niece or kid or something that made them look past her broken down looks, maybe they created the pilot to shut her up and didn’t expect it to get picked up and when it did, were forced to keep it going and week after week I’d chime in waiting for the day the replaced her. They never did.

When I saw these pics of Blossom with her family, I realized that she never really grew into that nose of hers, she still looks like something created in a lab at a concentration camp and unlike the Jewish women I see around these parts, didn’t bother going under the knife to land a rich husband to get knocked up by for the lifestyle and stability she always wanted so that the hired filipino can raise them while she’s out shopping, doing her hair, or fucking her tennis coach.

The good news is that she never got work after Blossom and the blunder that was that show, didn’t make a wonky eyed star we could never escape, so for those of you who have forgotten, here’s that reminded.

Speaking of Jews, I met a Jewish guy with a Swastika tattoo, it was like seeing one of those ironic t-shirts like “I da ho, no u da ho” t-shirts, only way more hardcore.

Here’s the Blossom intro for those of you who luckily forget…

In my opinionation, the sun never shines in her ugly life….

Posted in:Blossom|Now