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Archive for the Caitlyn Jenner Category




Caitlyn Jenner Playing with Sex Toys of the Day

Here’s some weird product placement…featuring Caitlyn Jenner being introduced to a vibrator like he’s never been in a situation where he’s filled his ass up with random household objects – remninding him of the Locker Room days while fantasizing about being a woman..

There is no way Kris Jenner didn’t fuck him up the ass their entire fucking marriage, leading to abuse that turned him into a fucking woman…

After posting VIDEO OF A POST OP MASTURBATING , I don’t even find humor in Caitlyn pretending to learn about female masturbation…for the sake of her show and an ad this sex toy company paid for…because what better place to advertise than with some tranny porn fantasies to the 1 person who has a Caitlyn Jenner tranny porn fantasy…that you know exists but don’t want to find out is your relative.

I am just blown away that this kind of television exists…the end of TV..clearly happening…here’s the proof…

Posted in:Caitlyn Jenner|SFW




Caitlyn Jenner Is Not a Man in a Dress of the Day

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He’s also a Man in a wig…or a Man on female hormones…or a man just cracking to the pressure Hollywood puts on a girl about her appearance or a man who is fucked up thanks to taking growth hormones in the 70s, who confuses his feelings with those of wanting to be a woman, identifying with a woman, but not actually chopping his dick off to be as close to a woman as possible, just in case he wants to go back to where he comes from.

I was accused of being transphobic, the girl actually called me transphobic because I called a trans person a tranny…because that’s what we call them, at least in porn and the idea that a word to describe a chick with a dick, a concept in and of itself totally absurd and insane, is considered derogatory…but then I remember everything in the world is considered derogatory and I must force myself to ignore and embrace the comedy in this.

I love this family photo of Brody Jenner,someone who has fucked more instagram models because he’s Brody Jenner and star of “the hills”, his mom, who looks more like a man thanks to shitty surgery and menopause, than his dad who has tits…

I love that even Caitlyn Bruce Jenner said somethings that’s gone viral because it was disrespectful and insensitive to people who actually struggle with their gender…about not wanting to be “man in a dress”….because it is in it for wrong reasons…or superficial reasons…but in his defence the girls he has been surrounded by all this time are vapid superficial twats…and like the transphobic accuser said…who am I to say what Cailtyn Jenner is feeling…well I do know Caityln Bruce Jenner and its Gender is a shameless joker…and that’s what matters..

Nothing says Christmas like this…

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Read it’s statement HERE ….

Posted in:Caitlyn Jenner|SFW