I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Carrie Underwood Category




Carrie Underwood in a Bikini of the Day


I would prefer the wholesome heartland singing country star who is recently divorced and / or remarried like a good Christian – not wearing a bikini.

I want to see the full body swimming suits the real Christians wear. All culty and Mormon….because I like my country music to be gospel from the 1920s, all sad and tormented during crop sharing depression before the dust bowl…and not white trash Stripper hick half naked…of the truck driving trailer park country music of today…:

But that’s just because I like seeing the hypocrisy in these God loving people in a less obvious way, you know commit to your Jesus loving lie even though we all know have you’re a white loving Slut who probably takes black dudes and pretends to be the plantation owner…wholesome white people are fucked….

Trick me like you tricked America…. But I guess bikinis aren’t bad….


To see the rest of the pics click here

Posted in:Carrie Underwood|SFW