I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Casey Donovan Category




Casey Donovan in a Bathing Suit for the Feeder Fetishists of the Day

Casey Donovan Wet and in a Bathing Suit

No this is not Ashley Graham or any of the other fat as fuck models who are getting paid to be fat as fuck even though fat as fuck kills.

This sea monster is pushing 600 pounds, possibly in training for the celebrity version of my 600 pond life, but more importantly, she’s at the beach in a bikini doing her best impression of a sea monster…

She’s on some Rachel Dolezal looking shit…but apparently she’s a famous singer..that I’ve never heard of, but that most amazingly of all, she’s only 29 years old…but her organs after all the abuse are likely in their 70s…

Some Momma Cass of her generation, about to die from eating a ham sandwich, terrifying even, but in this body positive era she’s empowered and has confidence to make it out there in the one piece…but where’s the two piece…I guess she needs the one piece to hold the gut in so it doesn’t explode all over the fucking place…even though it kinda already is…it takes a lot more harness that the straps of a bathing suit…

This shouldn’t be seen, she should be at the gym, figuring it the fuck out, not having a fucking beach day…

SHE IS GOING TO DIE….but I know some of you like the BBW…the big girl who can’t escape you cuz of her asthma…I’ve seen it…diaper changer..

But before she dies she’s in a bathing suit…


Posted in:Casey Donovan|SFW