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Archive for the Megan Fox Category




Megan Fox Topless for Armani of the Day

I posted a picture of Megan Fox in Underwear for Armani yesterday. Apparently, there are more, because Megan Fox is totally uninteresting and keeping herself busy by working the only job that she got and I figure there’s no need for me to really write anymore, cuz bitch has a fucking novel on her back, and that shit will keep you buys enough that my bullshit, hateful spite, is just distracting….

Here are some more pics of her aimlessly walking the streets, not lost, just not sure where to go or what to do with herself….unemployment makes drifting easy.

Posted in:Megan Fox




Megan Fox Prison Tats in Underwear of the Day

Megan Fox has already posed in her underwear for Armani but apparently she’s doing it again….

I can’t really tell if this pic is old or ner and I don’t really document Megan Fox in her lingerie intentionally or carefully enough to remember anything I’ve ever posted about her, but I figure you won’t be complaining with any Megan Fox lingerie pics, cuz you are a pervert and have trouble getting over people even when they get married, retire from their shitty acting career, and fade into obscurity…It’s that type of commitment that will land you in prison when a girl you like wrongfully labels your passion as stalking…forcing you to teach her what crazy really is…some people just never learn…and it’ll be a great opportunity to stock up on Megan Fox tattoos…..cuz you’re that motivated of a fan…..

Posted in:Megan Fox




Megan Fox Fuckin’ Sucks of the Day

Remember when Megan Fox was this big deal everyone talked about…you know so relevant in our society that people didn’t even care that she was engaged to a 40 year old from 90210 about 15 years after he was famous…unwilling to get naked in roles, talking bullshit about being bi, trying to milk the whole sex appeal thing, until one day it all ended and people stopped caring, because having an ego when you are so replaceable doesn’t work, because getting fired from the one movie role that put you on the map and actually marrying 90210 actually makes you a joke and even if under your lame clothes lies a bitch worth fucking, even when dressed like an off duty stripper, she fucking sucks….in a bad way.

Posted in:Megan Fox




Megan Fox Slutting Out in Madame Magazine of the DAy

You may be asking yourself who Megan Fox is, now that she’s been fired from the one movie she was really ever known form, so instead of getting naked in a scandal, she went on got married, a totally backwards way to win the only people who care she exists back, but I guess she’s got some new PR people, doing some damage control, by getting her to slut out in a photoshoot for a magazine in France, because everyone knows when you want to be recognized as the hot pussy you are known for when everyone forgets you, France publications are the logical way to crawl yourself back in….and who really cares, I’m hungover, exhausted and she’s in fishnets, she wins and inher winning…we all win…at least that’s what she wants us to think….

Forgotten or not, she’s overrated, but I’ll still stare at her….

Posted in:Megan Fox




Megan Fox is Skinny in a Bikini of the Day

Here are some skinny Megan Fox in a bikini pictures to start my day. I saw them yesterday but couldn’t bring myself to post them, because that is just the kind of blogger I am. I don’t care enough to bother, but in my defense I was very very very fucking hung over, like practically dying hungover cuz that’s just what I do to myself…

That said she looks awesome, tight bodied and amazing and that’s really all I look for in a girl trying to work her way back into our hearts after realizing she isn’t shit and she doesn’t fucking matter and that she can easily be replaced.

This is good effort from a cunt who thinks she is hotter than she is, and luckily I have a soft spot for skinny girls with shitty tattoos. It reminds me of fucking homeless teens I meet at bus stops or what I like to call….Heaven.

Either way, I think I can see a bit of David from 90201’s pussy lip trying to get attention and I’m down. Keep up the bottom feeding you useless cunt.

Posted in:Megan Fox




Megan Fox is Boring as Fuck of the Day

I guess these aren’t that bad, you know with her making faces like she’s taking a shit, something that I’ve never found to be the most amazing thing to happen when a girl gets comfortable in the relationship, it’s usually a sign you need to run the fuck away, cuz comfort in shitting in front of each other means committment, unless you’re dealing with a crackhead or drunk who just takes a shit anywhere she is cuz she doesn’t know what fucking day it is, or if your dealing with the aftershock of anal sex, or if your fucking with someone with bowel disorders attached to a colostomy bag that someone got unattached from the hose, or if you’re German and into getting shit on, in which case, I guess it’s not all that bad….except maybe for the smell….

If you look close enough, you may be able to see her cunt hugged in her tight pants….

But she still fucking sucks, Megan Fox is dead, the only comeback she can make will be nude roles in movies, and trust me, that’s gonna happen…

Being the hottest thing in Hollywood the studios are marketing is not forever, once the bitch gets cock, she’s easily replaced, because there is so much hot pussy in the world willing to do a lot more to get where Megan Fox is, so there’s no need to deal with ego or attitude…

Posted in:Megan Fox




Megan Fox has Given Up on Life of the Day

I can only assume Megan Fox is pregnant. Girls just don’t dress like this in public. They don’t even dress like this to go to the gym. Unless maybe they are overweight and don’t feel comfortable in spandex. I know pretty fucking dumpy girls who don’t give a fuck about what they look like who wear sweatpants and shit all the time and oversized sweatpants when they are on their period who wouldn’t be caught wearing this outfit….

So it’s safe to say that with her marriage to some has been from 90210 who brain washed her, the slump in her career by getting fired from the one show she does, the realization that we can find hotter pussy and her pussy is replacable, and the high probablity she’s pregnant that she might as well just put a gun to her head and call it a fucking day….cuz this is a slow drawn out Suicide attempt that T.I. can’t be a hero and save….

RIP Megan Fox….

Posted in:Megan Fox




Megan Fox is Boring at Milan Fashion Week of the Day

Megan Fox is trying to class it up, look sophisticated, like she’s the next Angelina Jolie, despite the fact her Brad Pitt is a loser and career is on a downward slope each year and new wrinkle that goes by….

I think this whole marriage thing has destroyed Megan Fox. I get the psychology behind what David from 90210 did, which is pretty much caught her when she was young and no one really knew who she was, seduce her with his 90201 guy she wanted to fuck growing up fame, and win her over with a big older cock that the guys she fucked to date had nothing on, only to hit big, and realize everyone wanted to fuck her, cuz there was a time she gave the best handjobs a man could give himself, and David from 90210 stepped up and made her feel like he was the only guy who could actually love her…since he was there from the start…good timing, good hustle, but I don’t really give him credit since he could spend all his time working this scam since he wasn’t out working like other guys….

I guess if you are into Megan Fox, you are dealing with her demise pretty well, based on these shitty fucking pictures of her…that fall from the top is pretty hard on her, yet fucking warranted…cuz I’ve seen more exiting outfits on elderly people in the park…

Anyway you dice her story, I know one thing….this should all end in a very graphic and dirty sex tape….otherwise they should partake in a murder suicide pact, cuz there’s no other reason for them to be living…not that you care.

She fucking sucks….even as the slutty secretary…

Posted in:Megan Fox




Megan Fox’s Married Ass of the Day

Megan Fox is an idiot….just another one of those starlets who let their fame get to their head. Now she thinks she can have a career despite being married. Next thing you know she’ll think she can have a career despite being pregnant. Then she’ll think she can have a career despite having a kid and a sloppy mom body. When really we only cared about her cuz we thought she was young and hot. Now we have to come to terms with the fact that she’s also a loser, who partnered up with a has been from 90210 fame, but based on her career, I think we already have.

Don’t worrry, there are a million Megan Fox type chicks out there. She is easily replaced. I just like to monitor the slow plunge into obscurity…cuz there was a time when I’m sure she thought she had the fucking world in the palm of her hand…and I like reality checks…especially in the form of lowering themselves to do sex tapes…when just two years earlier they were too good and important to even go topless.

What a fucking joke of a person…

Bonus – Here is a half naked picture of her in a recent issue of Elle….

Posted in:Megan Fox




Megan Fox Tongue in the New Eminem featuring Rihanna Video of the Day

I guess Rihanna’s got to the point in her career where no one really gives a fuck about her, so they cast other bitches to be in the shit, cuz no one likes a girl who tells on her boyfriend for choking her out, cuz selling out the man you love to the law is some real bullshit…especially when he’s just trying to teach your cunt ass a lesson and put you in fucking line….LOLZ

Despite Megan Fox marrying a joke from the original 90210 no one remembers, getting fired by her one gig, possibly getting phased out of Hollywood cuz there are a ton of younger and hotter pussy, I still think she’s pretty fucking hot….

This is a pretty good song though…I’m dancing as I type this cuz that’s just how exciting my life is…

If the Above Video Doesn’t Work – Follow This Link….

Posted in:Megan Fox