I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Cora Keegan Category




Cora Keegan Naked Photoshoot of the Day

Cora Keegan is some amazing looking young hipster model who I assume is out of LA, because that’s just the vibe I get.

She hasn’t done anything major or impressive in terms of her modeling, but she’s probably young and starting out. But this nude photoshoot works perfectly for her to show the world how serious she is about this modeling shit…because if you don’t get naked for photographers in fashion, you ain’t shit….but more importantly, it works for me because I like her hot thin body and hipster bush I’d love to get all matted with my cum…or saliva…or whatever she’d let me get it matted with…

She’s lovely and I’d like to be her friend…to take her on picnics and make her fall in love with me the way I just fell in love with her nude pics….

Cora Keegan, you’ve won this round.

Posted in:Cora Keegan|NSFW




Cora Keegan Hot in a Bathing Suit for BlackLOG of the Day

Her name is Cora Keegan and apparently she’s a pretty much brand new model…I’m talking moved to New York in June to do this shit full time and I came across these pics of her in some Fashion magaine, wearing a bathing suit and found her pretty hot…so I’m posting her pics…cuz maybe she’ll find it on google and realize how bad she wants to jerk me off in her mouth for being nice to her when I usually hate on every bitch….

So I did some digging and found these pictures of her topless and awesome…I’m a fan.

Posted in:Cora Keegan