I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Daria Strokous Category




Luigi & Iango’s Topless Models of the Day

Daria Strokous Topless in a sheer shirt

Luigi & Iango are photographers that work with important magazines like Vogue, important brands in the fashion world like Mayebelline, and thus with a lot of fashion models, both working and established and aspiring and irrelevant…

The kind of connected dudes who girls flock to in hopes of inspiring them to take pics and put them on the map…


I guess they’ve done a Calendar for something, and some of the nude pics of the models are making the rounds…so I’ll post them because I like nude models, shit is porn to me.

The models are: Daria Strokous, Jourdan Dunn, Carolyn Murphy (who has a sex tape you know), Isabeli Fontana….

Posted in:Carolyn Murphy|Daria Strokous|Isabeli Fontana|Jourdan Dunn